Page 215 of Fire & Frenzy

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“Should I ask for a bag of ice when I call down for food?” she asked.

I shook my head. “I’ll be okay.” I looked at the menu and gave her my order. She phoned the restaurant attached to the lobby and then scooted over and propped against the headboard.

She patted the side of the bed next to her.

It took me a few minutes to move and get situated, but eventually I was comfortable.

“How’d you sleep?” she asked.

“Okay,” I admitted. “Not great. But not terrible either.”


“Aren’t you going to make a comment about finding me and Smoke in bed together?”

“I’m not your father,” she said with a soft smile. “I assumed you’d want to be near one another.”


“So, he was the one, then?” my mother asked.

“The one?”

“The one you were determined not to talk about on the phone with me.”

“You knew, didn’t you?”

“That you’d met someone? Yes. Whether or not it was serious? I wasn’t sure.” She patted my thigh. “You were trying to talk about him in such a roundabout way, I figured there was a man in the picture.”

“There is definitely a man in the picture,” I agreed. My gaze strayed to the doorway.

“He’s a good one. And not just because he saved you. I see the way he looks at you. That one is completely head over heels in love with you.”

I smiled. “The feeling is mutual.”

“Does he want kids?”

Her question blindsided me. Not because I hadn’t thought of it myself, but because it only reminded me of what I’d lost. It was an innocent question; one she didn’t realize had triggered an emotional landmine.

“I’m not sure,” I said slowly. I knew what he’d said last night—and I believed him wholeheartedly. That didn’t mean that he wanted to make a baby with me and have a family.

“Tavy’s grown, you know?” I said quietly, momentarily missing my best friend. “He might be done with that portion of his life.”

“Is that a dealbreaker for you?”

I looked at her. “Going for the easy questions this morning, I see.”

“Just curious. No judgement either way. Though I would like for one of my children to give me a grandchild one day. Your brothers don’t seem inclined to want to settle down.”

“So, all hope rests on me?” I arched a brow. “No pressure or anything.”

“None whatsoever. I’m happy if you’re happy.”

“I know.” I reached over and grasped her hand in mine. Sadness swelled inside me. “Mom, I have to tell you something.”

Chapter 45

She listened without interrupting as I told her about my miscarriage. And then she held me while I cried.
