Page 229 of Fire & Frenzy

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“I knew you were trouble from the moment I saw you sitting in that jail cell. Not gonna lie. Your legs did something to me. All I could think about was having them wrapped around my waist as I sank into you.”

“Oh…” A bloom of desire suddenly pierced me between my thighs. All I’d felt the last few days were pain, grief, fear, and anger. Desire was a welcome change—and it reminded me that I was still alive.

That I had something to live for.

Smoke reached out and touched my face. “He didn’t break you. Not then. And not now.”

The sound of a hotel door opening, followed by voices alerted me that my parents had returned.

Smoke’s hand fell from my face and he gave me a lopsided grin. “Always interrupted.”

“Always,” I agreed.

There was a knock on the connecting door.

“Come in,” I called out.

My parents entered and my dad set my gym duffel in the corner. “Something smells good.”

“We dug into Brooklyn’s lasagna,” I said. “Where did you go for lunch?”

“A Mexican restaurant Mia recommended,” Mom said. “I texted her.”

“You could’ve asked me for a recommendation,” I pointed out.

“You’ve been here less than a month,” she said. “I wasn’t sure you knew of any good places.”

Less than a month. They were going to flip their lid when we told them about our plans for the future.

“Grady called,” Mom said. “They just landed in Dallas.”

I blinked. “Just landed? Already? I thought they were flying out this afternoon and wouldn’t be here until late tonight.”

“Whatever gave you that idea?” Mom asked.

“From what you and Grady told me,” I said in exasperation.

“They’re renting a car in Dallas and driving. It was faster than a connecting flight to Waco,” Dad said.

I loved my brothers, but they were overprotective and they still thought of me as a little kid. And I’d wanted one more day before Smoke was subjected to them.

“Stella?” Dad asked.

“Right.” Mom nodded and she looked at me. “How do you feel about going to stick our feet in the hot tub?”

I glanced at my dad who was staring at Smoke. Smoke looked unconcerned, but I knew what was going to happen.

They were going to have the talk.

Not the sex talk.

The what are your intentions with my daughter talk.

“You should go with your mom,” Smoke said easily. “Your dad and I can watch sports.”

I raised my brows. “You watch sports?”
