Page 230 of Fire & Frenzy

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Smoke tossed me a teasing grin. “No.”

Mom pressed a hand against my hip and urged me toward the door. “See you in a bit.”

“Don’t worry,” Mom said when the door shut behind us. “Your father had two beers at lunch and I drove us to the hotel. He’s basically sedated.”

I chuckled even though I was a bit concerned that the two of them would never get along or have a good relationship.

Like me and Tavy now.

“You’re not really worried about them, are you? Your father is just trying to put up a front, but he’s caving fast. He spent most of lunch talking about the two of you.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked in surprise.

She nodded and pressed the elevator button. “Don’t tell him I told you this, but he’s actually kind of relieved.”

“Relieved? About what?” I asked.

“That for once in your life, you didn’t think before you acted. You just leapt with all your heart. You were always so careful, so methodical. But jumping into a relationship with Smoke on the heels of your ended engagement? It was so out of character, Dad knew it was right.”

“Weird yard stick to measure by, but okay.”

The elevator doors opened and we stepped inside. Mom pushed the button for the pool floor and the doors closed.

“So, what’s on your mind?” she asked.

“Am I that transparent?”


“Tavy. She hasn’t contacted me. And I left her a really angry voicemail…”

“Has she reached out to Smoke?”

“Yeah. Just a quick text. Saying she loves him and will visit him soon.”


“Right?” I shook my head. The elevator doors opened into the lobby. A family of four with two young children were waiting for the elevator.

I smiled at them as we moved past.

“She looks like hell!” the little boy said.

“Miles,” the mother hissed. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry!”

My mother’s shoulders lurched as she attempted to stifle her laughter.

“Don’t worry about it,” I called back, my cheeks heating. To my mom, I said, “Might be time for a shower.”

“Might be,” Mom agreed. She opened the door to the pool room and then held my hand as I lowered myself by the hot tub’s edge. Mom impressed me when she nimbly sat down beside me.

“Yoga,” she explained. “Keeps me limber.”


She bumped her arm against mine. “You made me run interference with your top drawer. I think that makes us even.”

I laid my head against her shoulder. “I love you, Mom.”
