Page 245 of Fire & Frenzy

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“What about you?” I asked.

“What about me?”

“Are you dating anyone?”

“Me? Dating? Please,” she said hastily. “Where are your parents?”

“They went out. They wanted to explore Waco.”

“So where did they go?”

“I don’t know. I guess I’ll find out when they get back.”

“And your brothers? Where are they?”

I frowned. “Don’t know, actually. Once I kicked them out of the room, they went radio silent. In fact, not one of them has called or come to check in on me. I don’t trust this…”

“Logan’s over there!”

Tavy and I both turned in the direction of the voice and saw Waverly bounding across the restaurant toward us.

“More visitors,” I said with a smile.

“And they brought a casserole,” Tavy said. “Can we dig into it? I’m kind of hungry and they’re not serving food right now.”

“I’ve done nothing but lay in bed and eat the last two days.” I reached for the fork at my place setting. “What’s a little casserole going to hurt?”

Chapter 50

“Are you sure you’re up for this?” I asked Smoke.

“I’m sure. If I don’t get out of this hotel room, I’m gonna go insane,” Smoke said. “I want to eat breakfast in the restaurant even if that means being taunted by your brothers.”

We paced ourselves, and by the time we got to the elevator, Smoke was pale and grimacing in pain. I’d brought his medication in my purse, just in case he wanted to take it at breakfast. He was no longer attached to an IV and the nurse had begun allowing him to move about without her help.

Smoke and I had both been asleep by the time my parents had gotten back to the hotel last night, though we had gone to bed early, tired out from all the visitors. Darcy and Crow had showed up for a brief visit, but Willa and Duke and their crew had stayed for a while.

I’d woken up to a family text asking if Smoke and I wanted to meet them downstairs for a meal.

Everyone was already at the table waiting for us, menus down in front of them.

I kissed my mom’s cheek and took the chair next to her. Smoke lowered himself into the empty seat next to me.

The server came by while we made small talk and asked what we wanted to drink. He left and then we sat in awkward silence, Grady and Killian looking uncomfortable. Chase appeared exhausted and I wondered if he and Rach had spent any more time together, and whether or not they were going to continue to lie about what was actually going on between them.

“As much fun as the palpable tension is,” Harlan said, “someone better start talking.”

“You just did,” I pointed out.

“No, I’m breaking the ice.” Harlan reached for his glass of water. “There’s a difference.”

“I vote for Grady,” Chase said. “He’s the oldest.”

“Second the motion,” Killian said.

Grady tugged at his collar. “We’re sorry about how we were yesterday. LoLo, you’re an adult.”

“Barely,” Killian muttered.
