Page 79 of Fire & Frenzy

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“Sorry,” I murmured. “I was thinking about stuff. Cars, right.”

He grabbed my hand and linked his fingers through mine. I didn’t pull away. We were alone, and for the time being I could pretend our two-night stand could turn into something more.

A salesman wearing a black polo and khaki slacks strode across the lot to greet us. “You’ve come to the right place,” he said with a wide smile. “What are we looking for? A safe family car, eh? For the little ones?”

I shot Smoke an amused look.

Here we go again.

“She’s here to buy a car,” Smoke said, not responding to the salesman’s assumptive comment.

“Sure,” the salesman said easily. “What are you thinking, Ma’am?”

“I want an SUV. Something with four-wheel drive,” I said. “And pearl white. I want a pearl white car.”

“I have something in mind. Follow me.”

We trekked to the other end of the parking lot and stopped at a gently used Toyota 4Runner in pearl white. I needed the four-wheel drive if I ever wanted to take the car to Idaho to visit my family, and I wanted something that would be fun to drive.

“This one won’t last long on the lot. I know, I know, we all say that right? But seriously these sell like hot cakes. She’s only got fifteen thousand miles on her and the warranty will transfer to the new owner. Toyota calls this color Blizzard Pearl, and since it’s a higher end TRD model it’s got all the bells and whistles. Take it for a test drive,” the salesman suggested. “Let me know how you feel about it and we’ll talk when you get back. I just need to see a state issued ID from each of you and once I make a copy, you’re good to go.”

I looked at Smoke. “You up for a little spin?”

“I’ll ride shotgun. But first…” He moved to the front of the car and popped the hood. A few minutes later, he closed the hood and nodded. “You’re good. Thing is basically brand new.”

My heart did a little pitter patter. He was making sure I was safe before I got behind the wheel. I loved his attentiveness. And his protective instinct.

I must’ve been giving him a dopey look because he met my gaze and smiled. Wide. Wide enough that I was sure he knew what I was thinking.

Smoke opened the driver’s side door for me and I climbed in. I adjusted the seat and mirrors, getting a feel for the car. The salesman returned with our IDs.

“You two are good to go. See you when you get back and we’ll get that paperwork started.” He winked like it was a done deal and shut the driver’s side door for me.

“You ready?” Smoke asked as he buckled himself in.

“Yeah,” I said. I put the keys into the ignition and started the car but made no move to reverse out of the spot.

“What’s wrong?”

I swallowed. “Why don’t you want Bones showing me Waco on the back of his bike?”

“Why did you say I was going to go car shopping with you?” he fired back.

“Yeah.” I sighed. “Okay.”


This thing between us hadn’t run its course. And by giving into it, even for a few nights, it was a can of worms that could no longer be contained.

But there was nothing I could do about it at the moment. So, I put the car in gear, backed out of the spot, and took the car for a test drive.

* * *

“Well?” the salesman asked as I stepped out of the car. “What did you think?”

“I think I’d like to talk to you about making a deal,” I said bluntly.

The salesman blinked, momentarily stunned by my directness even though it was exactly what he’d wanted. But he quickly pulled it together and smiled. “Wonderful. Why don’t you two step inside my office while we draw up the paperwork?”
