Page 90 of Fire & Frenzy

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“If I was laid up in bed post-op, I’d be crotchety too,” Mia said.

Tavy nodded. “Yeah, but apparently she was crotchety before she had the surgery, so she’s like doubled her dose of crabby. Plus, I’m hoping if I bring her a scone, she won’t throw any more vases at me.”

“You should get a new job,” Allison said.

“It pays too well to quit.” Tavy shrugged. “And I’ve got fast reflexes.”

“If you’re going to eat the rest of my burger, you have to bring me more chips,” I said.

“Fair trade,” Tavy said as she took another gargantuan bite.

“Chew,” Doc said to her with a laugh. “I don’t want to perform the Heimlich today.”

After Tavy swallowed, she said, “It’s okay, I’ve got like zero gag reflex.”

Savage had just approached with his plate of food when he clearly heard Tavy’s announcement.

She looked at him.

He grinned. “Hello, future wife.”

Willa sniggered. “Smoke will kill you if you touch his daughter.”

Smoke was several feet away talking to Viper and Kelp, but when he heard his name, he sauntered over to us. “What will I do if what?” Smoke asked as he took a sip from his beer bottle.

“Nothing,” Savage said quickly. “Oh, look. A tree. Bye.”

“My best friend has no sense of self preservation,” Willa said wryly. To me, she said, “I’ve known Savage since we were kids. It feels like all I do is try to save him from himself.”

“Hey, kid,” Smoke said to Tavy, wrapping his arm around her. “I didn’t say hi to you.”

“Hi,” she mumbled around a full mouth.

“Do you not eat regular meals?” Smoke inquired with a smile.

“Granola bars and energy drinks,” Tavy said. She eyed his beer. “Can I have that?”

Smoke gave her his beer.

“You promised to refill the chips,” I said to her.

“Right.” Tavy nodded and then all but galloped off to the folding table laden with food.

Smoke and I looked at each other and then I hastily glanced away and met Brooklyn’s gaze. Her eyes bounced to Smoke and then to me. A smirk appeared on her lips and she quickly covered her mouth with her hand.


I stood up from my chair. “Restroom,” I announced awkwardly and then I dashed toward the house.

The screen door opened just as I was about to reach for the handle.

Rach had the little girl with blonde ringlets by the hand. “Logan,” Rach said. “Have you met Lily?”

I looked down at the girl and smiled. “No. Hi, Lily.”

“Hi,” she said. “You have pretty hair.”

“Thanks. So do you.” I couldn’t contain my grin.
