Page 10 of Dawson

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Once the door was locked, I let out a frustrated sigh as I took the rest of my clothes off, folding them neatly and setting them on the back of the toilet.

I wasn’t lying about needing a cold shower, as once I was alone, and my cock was free, it could have passed as a compass with how north it was pointing.

I huffed a sigh of annoyance as I stepped in the shower, hoping the cool water would help put out the fire that had started to build inside of me from just the sight of Nolan on my brother’s couch.

Images flashed in my mind that I knew I shouldn’t be thinking about, given current circumstances, but I knew better than to try and fight the fantasy forming in my brain.

I’d seen the way Nolan looked at me, how he blushed and stammered. A part of me liked that I obviously made him nervous, even if it wasn’t a sexual thing for him.

I liked that I could get under his skin...

Not to mention our phone call earlier had worked me up into a heat I hadn’t quite expected. The last thing I wanted to do was wax one out at the firehouse, when I was on call. It was just a stroke of luck that we’d gotten called out. Well, lucky for me anyway, if only because it gave me something else to focus on other than Nolan fucking Harding.

It was like over the phone, he was someone else. His voice was different, cockier, sexier.

God what is wrong with me?

Am I admitting Nolan is sexy?

Yes, I was. But I rationed it was easier to separate the fantasies I had about Nolan from the actual person he was.

But when he’d demanded that I ask him nicely, his voice taking on that dark, smooth edge, I nearly lost it.

I’d never heard Nolan talk to anyone like that. Hell, I didn’t know he was capable of sounding like a phone sex operator. His words from last night rang in my memory.

You don’t know what I’m capable of, Dawson.

Apparently, I didn’t.

I wrapped my hand around my cock, knowing it was better to ride the wave than to swim against it.

I let my thoughts wander to dark, sexy phone operator voices, imagining putting the little brat in his place, right over the arm of my brother’s couch. I imagined driving him over the edge until he apologized for his sudden, cocky new attitude, imagined bringing him right to the edge, until...

My abs clenched as warm cum sprayed out again with a force I wasn’t used to.


That was twice now. Twice, that the thought of using Nolan like my own personal cocksleeve had made me come like a damn teenager who just discovered his dick.

I really needed to get a hold of myself. I needed to quit while I was ahead. I pumped the last bits of my release as I caught my breath, swearing that once I left that shower, it would be a clean slate.

And when I had managed to cleanse my skin and my brain, only then did I turn the water off, and find my way back into my jeans so I could join baby brother and the object of my fantasies gone awry.

When I came to the basement, I could see Nolan on his hands and knees shining a little penlight on something in the corner. The angle showcased the roundness of his ass. An ass I didn’t mind looking at, especially since it was clear neither of them noticed my arrival.

“This wasn’t in the report,” Nolan said, and immediately I tensed, readying to jump to the defense for my brother, but before I could speak, before either of them could turn to see me, he sat back on his heels, looking up at my brother with kind eyes.

“But contrary to what your brother thinks, this is why my job’s important. I want to make sure we have all the information we need to be able to get you the coverage and reimbursement you deserve.”

“I appreciate that, really,” Jonathan said, sighing, “I just don’t want to get reamed over some stupid detail...”

Nolan stood, brushing the dirt off his knees as he looked to one of the bikes in the corner. My old bike, the one Jonathan was fixing for me, specifically. I kept to the shadows, frozen, watching the scene unfold in front of me.

“I’m sure Dawson didn’t note it, because he just didn’t know. His job is to fight the fire, not the red tape or the damage it leaves. Don’t worry, Mr. Bradish. I’ll take care of this.”

At that moment, I realized that maybe I had been a little... abrasive with Nolan. I’d assumed he questioned my claims because he was a nitpicking ass, never once considering that maybe his nitpicking actually helped my ass.

That was the moment a paint can crashed to the ground, falling right on my fucking foot.
