Page 35 of Dawson

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As some Bond villain?

Nolan stepped forward an inch, closing the distance between us that had formed. “You’re supposed to fucking ruin me,” he said, tears falling down his pale cheeks, his voice dark and full of things that made my cock twitch again.

Made my blood hot.

Nolan said the words, but I felt them in my core.

He wanted to burn.

He wanted me in the worst way, and the reality of that notion scared me more than anything else.

I slid my hands through his soft, dark hair, staring back at his beautiful, tear-stained face, and I felt on the edge of a cliff.

And that was when I decided to jump.

A part of me knew he may not remember this conversation in the morning, but if he did... I hoped he’d at least respect me for it.

“If you want this...” I breathed heavily, stroking the wet streaks on his cheek with my thumb. “If you want me,” I started. “Then you can have me. But not like this,” I whispered, planting a kiss on his forehead.

Nolan pushed me away.

“Whatever, Dawson,” he said as he unlocked his door, and I watched him disappear, leaving me and my heart in ruin.

I only prayed that we could rebuild what I’d broken.



I woke up with a pounding headache, a dry mouth, and an overbearing need to piss. The sunlight filtered in through my window, and it was blindingly bright as I shielded my eyes from it.

I groaned as reality set in, memories of the prior night playing over in my mind like a movie. Dawson and I... We kissed.

Fuck, I kissed him!

The memory of Dawson relaxing into me, of his warm lips against mine, made my entire body flush with heat.

I’d had probably a little more than I could handle in the liquor department, but to be fair, those drinks didn’t even taste like they had alcohol in them at all. It was like sucking down a Capri Sun. But the throbbing pain in my head told me those sweet, fizzy drinks packed quite a punch.

I leaned back in my bed, running my hand over my eyes as I let the hazy memories surface, as I tried to hold on to what had happened, how things had transpired.

Though I remembered kissing Dawson, everything else seemed rather vague and blurry. As if one moment bled into the next, and all I could remember was the feel of his lips on mine, of his cock against mine.


I want you to ruin me.

The words surfaced in my brain, and even though I was alone with no one to witness my mortification, I blushed what I would have guessed was a deep scarlet from the way my entire body heated at the memory.

Of me being pissed off because we...

Were making out in his truck!

And I told him that?

That I wanted him to fucking ruin me?
