Page 44 of Dawson

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In my wandering, I’d accidentally hit the Facetime button instead of call, and barely had time to register what happened before she accepted the call.

“Nolan, are you okay?” she said immediately, knowing a two am call from me was probably the worst. For goodness’ sake, I was in bed by ten thirty most nights.

“I...” My voice caught as the words fell out. “I am now. There was a fire in my building, and...”

“Oh my God!” Allie said as she sat up in bed.

“I made it out okay, and then Dawson...”

The sight of Dawson walking toward me, decked out in his yellow fire suit and hat made my heart stop and my voice die on the wind.

He looked so badass it would have been impossible not to fall in love with the man.

“Nolan... Nolan!” Allie yelled.

I turned the phone in his direction absentmindedly, and Allie gasped.

“Is that...”

“The man who saved my life, yeah,” I said softly.

“Oh, Nolan...” Allie tutted.

“I’m… going to have to call you back, Allie,” I said.


“I’m okay, I promise. I just... I’ll call you with any updates, okay?” I said as Dawson came closer, just a few feet away now.

“Fine. But I’m holding you to that!” she blurted and I ended our call.

Dawson stopped just inches away from me, his golden gaze roving over me.

“You’re okay...” he said, his voice filled with relief, and I felt it through every part of my being.

I nodded dumbly. “Yeah, because of you...” I said.

“This one’s good to go, right?” Dawson asked the paramedic beside me.

“Minor smoke inhalation, maybe a little shock, but otherwise, yeah. Vitals are stable.”

“Good. Because he’s coming with me,” Dawson proclaimed.

“I... I need to get over to the Paradise,” I said, trying to remember how to speak.

Dawson only shook his head.

“Like hell you are. I ain’t letting you out of my sight, champ. You’re under my watch until—”

“You don’t have to do that,” I said as I rubbed my arms. The cold night air was getting to me.

Dawson instinctively pulled off his fireproof jacket, throwing it over my shoulders like the hero he truly was.

“I know, but I want to,” he said as he adjusted the jacket, looking down at me. “Let me take care of you, Nolan.”

Something about his words made my heart melt, decimated all the anger and the upset, and the unspoken words. Looking up at his amber eyes of fire, I couldn’t’ resist him.

How could I tell him no, when I never wanted to leave his arms or his golden presence?
