Page 52 of Dawson

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The amount of desire that flooded me, the innate need to feel his fingers stretching me, was almost enough to make me come on the spot. Almost.

But I knew that despite our sexual compatibility, that if I wanted Dawson—and I did want him—for myself, as something more than a fulfilled fantasy, I needed to rein in my horny beast. Maybe just a little.

Not to mention there were other pressing matters I needed to attend to, that would have to be dealt with sooner rather than later. Like the claim on my apartment, getting clean clothes that fit me, and of course, calling work and Allie to let them know the details and that I was okay.

Dawson moved just slightly, hooking his knuckle underneath my chin, forcing me to look up at him.

“I meant what I said. You can stay here as long as you need to. As long as you want... with me.” His voice was still tinged with the remnants of sleep, but his words were bright and full of life.

I’d known Dawson for two years. In that time, I’d only known him to be a charismatic ass, someone who didn’t seem to take things or himself seriously. But in the last several days, I’d come to see the man beneath the fireproof suit, and though he was still charismatic and a bit of an ass, he was so much more.

He was commanding, relentless, and caring.

And as I looked into his beautiful eyes, I realized that I was falling in love with him.

The absolute look of wonder in his eyes made my breath catch, rendering me speechless. No man had ever looked at me like he was looking at me at that moment. And when he leaned down, bringing his soft, warm lips to mine, I knew I was absolutely doomed.

How could I not fall in love with him?

Dawson kissed me, and it was better than I’d ever imagined it could be.

He tasted like fire and love, like sweet sugar with an undercut of hot spice.

Why would I want to be anywhere else?

He broke away, too soon for my liking as he pushed away, throwing the blanket off of him.

“I however, need to get ready to head the firehouse and deal with this shit.”

He grumbled as I watched his naked form saunter across the room, the sunlight casting an ethereal glow on his tanned skin. He absentmindedly tugged his sizeable cock, grunting as he did so and a part of me wanted to pull him back down into the sheets and never let him out of my sight.

He caught my stare, winking at me sexily, a lazy smile gracing his luscious lips.

“Be a good boy and do as you’re told and maybe I’ll reward you,” he teased.

I sighed as I watched his bare ass leave the room, heading down the hall toward the shower. When he was gone, I fell back in the sheets, running my hand over my face.

If anyone had told me the week prior that I’d be laying naked with Dawson’s dried cum all over my stomach, I would never have believed them. But there I was in his bed, naked, hard, and ready for fucking round two.

I wanted to blame the fact I hadn’t been with anyone in a couple years, and the fact that I had a real live human to touch and to touch me was the root of my sudden influx of desire, but I knew that wasn’t entirely the case.

Sex for me had always been a way to communicate how I felt, when I found the words too difficult to say. And telling the guy you’ve been dreaming about for two years you are falling in love with him after one night in his bed screamed psycho clinger. But it was the truth.

The sound of the running shower pulled me from my thoughts. I knew I could lay there, in Dawson’s bed, forever trying to work up the courage to tell him I wanted to stay, not just now but... I wanted to stay as long as he wanted me to. I wanted to be with him as long as he wanted to be with me. But laying there spinning myself into circles, trying to work up the nerve would only make me second-guess myself, and I wasn’t about to let my self-doubt ruin this.

So instead, I threw my legs over the side of the mattress and climbed out of bed, padding down the hall to the bathroom. I gently pushed open the door, the steam in there budding like an impatient flower.

I took my time, relieving myself and washing my hands in the sink, if only to give myself the briefest moment to chicken out completely.

I knew what I wanted, but going after anyone was new to me. Normally, I preferred to be the one being chased, being pursued, because I’d never been a bold, confident man in any sense of the word. But something about Dawson sparked the side of me that wanted to be those things, that felt like maybe I could be that man with the right person.

I took one step and a deep breath as I moved toward an unsuspecting Dawson, who was humming to himself in the shower, his back to me.

Two steps, and another deep breath, and then...

I opened the curtain and quietly stepped in. Dawson turned around in surprise, his amber eyes looking me up and down with excitement and hunger. His lips turned up in a smirk.

“Nolan, what—”
