Page 57 of Dawson

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Why didn’t he say something?

I told him to keep me in the fucking loop!

I fought to keep my facial expression normal. After all, I didn’t want to give my brother any more reason for alarm. I’d get to the bottom of this, and I’d take care of it.

My brother was going to get his money. I would make sure of it.

“Yeah, I know what you mean. So, uh... how long you going to be out?” I asked nonchalantly, even though my teeth ached to grind.

“Couple days. Cara has a couple days off work, so we might do a little trip up to the campground,” he said with a shrug. “Get my mind off all this stupid shit, you know?”

I nodded. “Probably a good idea, I’ll call you if I hear something,” I said as I tapped the hood of his truck with my hand, smiling friendly enough that I hoped he bought my display.

My brother smiled in return. “Sounds good.”

When I got to my car, I immediately dialed Nolan. I tried to keep my panic in check, but it was no use. Once he picked up, I snapped.

“Dawson, hey...”

“Why didn’t you tell me about the re-eval?” I asked, cutting to the chase.

Immediately, Nolan turned defensive.

“What? How the hell do you know—”

“He’s my brother, Nolan. It’s my job to know what’s going on with his life, especially when it concerns his financial stability and job.”

Nolan huffed. “I told you I would take care of it, and I’m—”

“Doesn’t look like you’re doing a very good job,” I snarled.

Nolan actually sounded a little hurt, but he snapped back, “Maybe I could do a better job if I was focused on the task at hand and not being bitched at about every move I make! I don’t come to your job and tell you how to fight fires, Dawson. So don’t sit there and act like you know one thing about what I fucking do!”

Oh the attitude on this one grinds my fucking gears.

“Why wouldn’t you tell me? He’s my brother!” I said, feeling panic racing through my veins.

“Maybe because I didn’t want to stress you out, like you clearly are now,” Nolan grated, his voice full of disdain and snark.

“Since when do you get to make decisions for me, huh? This is... is my life and I am the one in charge here, not you!” I spat, the words coming of their own volition.

“Whatever, Dawson. I’m not doing this with you right now. I have a job to do,” he nipped, hanging up on me, which only served to piss me off further. I threw the phone on the passenger seat, cursing aloud in my truck.


The phone buzzed immediately, and I half expected it to be Nolan, but it wasn’t.

It was Cade.

Just got a table, how close are you?

I closed my eyes, sighing as I remembered I had forgotten about the plans I’d made yesterday with Cade, due to the fire last night, and my morning spent under Nolan’s damn spell. I tapped out my text quickly.

Be there in 10.

I only hoped maybe a good basket of cheese fries would soak up all the anger and frustration I was feeling at the moment.

