Page 66 of Dawson

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“The worst. Definitely worthy of punishment, if you ask me.”

I shook my head in defeat. There was no use fighting Dawson when he’d made his mind up about something, and that something was me.

Or more accurately, my form of discipline.

But I wasn’t complaining. I was more than happy to explore this new side of me, and Dawson seemed to enjoy reaping the benefits.

And he also had no problem putting me in my place either.

“I’ll take that into consideration,” I said, and I pressed my lips to his.

“You still good for M’s Place later?” he asked as he finished my last button.

“Yeah, good as I’m going to be, I guess,” I answered honestly.

It felt stupid to hide the fact we were together anymore, and neither of us wanted to feed the gossip mill, so we’d decided to be upfront and honest with everyone that mattered. Our jobs, and our friends.

I’d officially be meeting Dawson’s friends tonight, as his boyfriend, which still baffled my mind.

Hearing him call me that made me blush, made my heart race, and my lips turn up in a smile.

Because the way he said it was like I was the fucking sun.

My boyfriend.

The feeling was more than mutual.



“That should just about do it,” I said as I shook Jonathan Bradish’s hand, just as I heard the rumblings of Dawson’s truck.

“I really appreciate everything you’ve done, Mr. Harding,” Jonathan said with a sigh of relief. “This check is going to take care of a lot of stuff and then some,” he said appreciatively.

“Please, you can call me Nolan.”

That was the moment Dawson walked in.

“Everything okay?” Dawson asked as he looked between us.

Jonathan smiled. “Better than okay. Mr. Harding here went above and beyond,” Jonathan said with a chuckle.

“Is that so?” Dawson said, raising an eyebrow at me.

“Because of the error in the initial report, not to mention the initial findings—” I raised an eyebrow back at Dawson, who only sheepishly blushed. “I was able to file a complaint along with my re-eval and I escalated the claim above my supervisor so it would get pushed through faster, being as there were extenuating circumstances and someone’s livelihood at stake.” I smiled smugly.

“Breisinger cut me a check for thirty grand, Al,” Jonathan said grinning ear to ear.

“Thirty grand? That’s... that’s more than—”

“It’s what he deserves. This place is his business, after all,” I said firmly.

Dawson didn’t waste a second. He swooped in and hugged me tight, then kissed me with such appreciation I found it hard not to wrap my arms around him and do the same.

When we broke apart, his brother was shaking his head.

“I should have known,” he said as I fought to regain myself, steadying my blush and my glasses, which had gone crooked from Dawson’s prince charming moment.
