Page 30 of Homeward Bound

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“I love every luscious ounce on your body, Cassidy Knox. Whether you get back to ‘pre-baby weight’ or not. Every mark, every pound, only shows me what you’ve done to build our family. You’re beautiful just the way you are, whether you’re pregnant or not, but I really like what pregnancy does to your boobs.”

She snickers before cuddling close. “I’m being silly, I know. By the time Sascha is ready to be weaned, this one will probably be here. If we’re not careful, these boobs you love so much will be hanging around my knees.”

“Sweetheart, we have enough money that if you ever want one of those, what do they call them? Oh yeah, a mommy makeover, we can handle it, okay? Just know I didn’t marry you for how you looked, I married you because I love you, all of you, plain and simple.”

“I love you too,” she mumbles sleepily, causing me to grin.

As she drifts off to sleep, I send up my silent thanks that instead of staying away, she came home because now we’re on the best journey of our lives.


The End
