Page 40 of Shattered Soul

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“The Da Luca family–now known as the Re Della Strada—rules are, all must tell the truth at all times, never be intimate with any family member, spouse or child of the family, never do any illicit drugs, never steal from the family and to never verbally, physically or emotionally hurt another member of the family.” I scrunch my face in confusion. “I won’t lie to you, I know you and my son have a past but I also know you are unaware of that past.” Sadness laces her words.

“I’m sorry,” I mutter. She pales before rushing around the bed to stand before me, grabbing my hands and holds them in hers.

“Lake, you have nothing to be sorry for, my dear. It hurts me to know that you don’t remember how much you are loved.” Unwarranted tears fill my eyes at her kind words. “Even if you don’t recall who we are, we know exactly who you are and believe me, sweet girl, you are our family and we protect our own.” My lip begins to tremble, it’s been so long since I’ve been spoken to so lovingly.

“Thank you,” I choke out. She smiles lovingly then wraps me in a hug that is filled with so much love. I slowly lift my arms and cling to her, breathing in her scent. She reminds me of my mom.

“I don’t want to push you but you need to know the truth before my son goes to war against your father,” she says as she draws back, resting her hands atop my shoulders.

“I know why?—”

“You don’t, sweet girl, there is so much Knox wouldn’t have told you. He was so angry when he left to find you. I know my son is bossy–” I snort and mutter a quick sorry, she grins. “He blamed the wrong person for the pain he suffered years ago. Read those documents and put both your minds at rest. I hope knowing the truth will bring your souls back together because you and Knox, you two are meant to be.” She steps back and smiles but I grab her hand halting her exit.

“W-will you stay with me while I… read them?” She smiles sadly and cups my cheek as she nods.

Sitting on the edge of the bed with Knox’s mom by my side, I suddenly realize I don’t know her name and feel slightly awkward asking her now, so I tear open the envelope and pull out the documents. There is a lot more in here than I originally thought but the sight of my name at the top catches my eye.

“That’s your… hospital records.” I nod my head, unable to form words. It takes me a minute to get my breathing under control and my mind right to finally start reading the written report from one of the doctors that treated me six years ago.

I have treated the patient for three weeks and clear signs of dissociative amnesia are present due to the trauma of the accident…

The papers slip from my hands, amnesia. It’s written right there, clear as day for anyone to read but yet, in the past six years, no one has thought to fucking tell me that I am missing a huge part of my life that Knox was clearly a part of!

“It is my medical opinion that continued therapy would be in the best interest of the patient.” I look to the side to see Knox’s mother has gathered the papers and continues to read them for me. I'm grateful because I can’t do it myself. “The doctor continues on to say that your father refused his medical opinion and said therapy is not an option for you as the events of that day are best left forgotten.”

I clench my fists on my lap. “Who the hell gave him the right to make that decision on my behalf?” The anguish in my tone is clear, he robbed me of memories, my fucking memories!

“At the time you were seventeen so as your legal guardian he had the right to make all these calls on your behalf. I’m so sorry, sweet girl.” I don’t realize I have started crying until she swipes a tear from my cheek, her own eyes are filled with heartache for me.

“I don’t understand, why would my father not want me to remember?” I whisper. She cups my cheek and smiles sadly.

“Your father never approved of you being with my son.” At her revelation my mouth parts on a gasp. “He always thought Knox wasn’t good enough and he tried to do everything in his power to make sure that you believed that.” I shake my head denying what she says.

“I’m not shallow.”

“I know that and so does my son. You never saw him as anything less than the boy who stole your heart. You always looked at him with stars in your eyes. The first time you called him and told him your father was sending you away, Knox lost his mind and drove to your house where he stole you away and brought you back to our house, promising he would never let you go. It was then I knew that my son had finally found someone for himself. He spent most of his life worrying about me and his sister and also trying to help Xan and Tay, but he never did anything for himself until the day you stumbled into our lives. You gave my son hope.” Unable to deal with the information overload about Knox, I grab a paper from her hand and read the contents.

“Oh my God.” Knox’s mom tries to shift to get a better look at the paper but I quickly fold it and shove it into my pocket as I fight back tears. “I need to see Knox.” Whatever she sees on my face and hears in my voice has her nodding and handing me the papers as she leads me from the room without protest. I numbly follow after her, trying to keep my tears at bay, I need to look Knox in the eyes as I ask him if he knew about this.

“What the fuck is going on here?” I shake my head and snap out of it as I look around the room and tense at the sight of men holding Knox and Xander apart. I look to Knox to find his gaze already on me. “I won’t ask again,” his mom snaps, breaking us out of it. He tears his gaze from mine but I can’t seem to do the same. It’s as if I’m seeing him in a whole new light, I realize now that all his anger toward me the first time he saw me was because he thought I left him, that I hurt him willingly. I may not have memories of our past together but now that I know for sure and have the proof that what he and my sister said is true, I will fight with everything I have to get them back.

“Knox is on his period and being extra sensitive,” Xander snarls. Knox fights against the men holding him as he tries to get to Xander.

“Keep running your mouth, asshole, and I’ll shut the fucking thing for you.” The venom that laces Knox’s tone has me standing straighter.

“Enough.” His mom scolds them as she shoots each of them a disapproving look that only a mother can muster. “You need to stop fighting and figure out what you are going to do next. You don’t have the luxury of time now, thanks to Percy and Gio putting you to the media.”

“I told you she was fucking trouble—” Xander roars but Knox cuts him off.

“You don’t get a fucking say with anything to do with her, she is not up for discussion with any of you!” His protectiveness over me is astounding, I’ve never had someone fight for me like this before it’s… strange and I’m loathe to admit that’s it a fucking turn on.

“You’re so blinded by her pussy you’ve forgotten about what really matters!” The hatred in how Xander speaks about me is clear and has me shrinking back a step. “You have been too distracted by her to notice Gio and Percy have slipped through our fingers, we can’t even find Gio’s fucking brother because you’re?—”

“What brother?” Knox’s mom cuts in and asks. Knox and all the other men turn to her with confused looks on their faces.

“Christiano,” Taylan says.

