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How many ways could one say it was rainy and gloomy out?


The friendly voice made the tension in my shoulders ease. I looked over the shoulders of the crowd, thankful for my height for once, to see the familiar bobbing mass of red curls of my assistant making her way toward me.


She grinned as she squeezed between two men in purple and gray suits. Precariously balancing two slim flutes of champagne in one hand, and what I assumed was my dance card and fan in the other.

I quickly grabbed the champagne and tucked my arm in her elbow. "Perfect timing. Your friend, Tye, and I had a nice chat earlier."

She winced and lifted her violet eyes to meet mine. "I'm sorry! I should never have introduced you two. Should I talk to him again?"

"No need," I said, shaking my head. Tye was a mess, but that wasn't Lynn's fault. I'd been struggling to get over Eli, and she'd just been trying to help by introducing us. "Lady Frexin said she'd take care of it."

Lynn let out a relieved breath, then gestured to the room. "I'm guessing she told you she'd asked me to fill your dance card? You're quite the belle of the ball."

"Oh, trust me." I rolled my eyes. "I heard. She wants to parade me around like some kind of hero to impress the elite. I just wish she'd found some other way than dancing." I tsked, wrinkling my nose. "Especially with that asshole prince."

She grinned, dimples showing in both freckled cheeks. "Maybe she thinks you'd be a good match? He is handsome, rich, and has some influence." She motioned to our right, and I turned to look. The prince was flirting with a beautiful brunette, as well as the pair from the rehab room earlier. "I mean, sure, he might have a lover on the side," she continued. "But what lord doesn't these days? Maybe he'd even let you join in!"

A lover?

I scoffed and downed the champagne.

More like a whole harem of lovers.

"Absolutely not." I grabbed the second flute of champagne. "Besides, if he's so great, why aren't you pursuing him?"

"You know why," she said, sighing dramatically.

"Mhmm." I sipped from the second flute of champagne, barely pausing to enjoy the bubbles coating my tongue and throat. "You know … I've yet to meet this person of yours. I'm beginning to think they're a figment of your imagination."

"Oh hush. You'll meet him soon enough." She waved her hand in front of her face. "It just isn't the right moment. He's a bit … shy."


I looked over at her. She had to be the least shy person I'd ever met. Perhaps it's what drew them together, though? Or maybe she was just saying that, when he was actually someone ineligible.

"Well, whenever it is time, let me know." I nudged her arm with my elbow. "I look forward to the day I can finally repay your relentless teasing with some of my own."

She scoffed, then gestured to someone over my shoulder. "Here. Pass those glasses to me. It would seem your first partner has arrived."

Oh gods. I lifted my newest champagne glass, desperate for one last drop of liquid courage, but she pulled it and the old one from my hands before I could take a sip.

"Go," she hissed, pushing me away.

I rolled my eyes and did as she bid. I'd hoped he'd been distracted by those people he'd been flirting with and missed our dance.

Prince Jaiel smirked as he approached, that sparkling blue gaze roaming appreciatively over my dress. "I believe I have the honor of the first dance with the Savior of Karemi," he said, voice warm and silky.

Gods. That title was almost as irritating as the man saying it, and the way his gaze heated as it roamed … it was enough to make me want to smack him.

But I'd promised Lady Frexin I would cooperate, and if that meant getting along with the asshole prince for a dance set, so be it.

I straightened my shoulders, widened my smile, and held out my arm. "Yes, Prince Kierstall, I do believe you're correct. Though I have discussed the situation with my assistant, and she's agreed to be more discerning when filling my dance card for future engagements."

"In that case, I'm glad for her folly." He leaned closer. "Hopefully, you'll be less dull than my normal companions."
