Page 111 of Bonds of the Forsaken

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Voice trailing off, he gestured for us to follow, and led the way through the crowd. Most people moved aside when they saw him, but I had to jump several times to avoid children scampering around as their parents carried decorations or talked with friends.

One boy giggled and nudged a little girl with vibrant red pigtails. Cheeks pink, she stumbled toward me, then pursed her lips and ran her hand down my leg, marveling at the soft leather before dipping her chin and running away, a merry giggle on her lips.

I grinned and stared after her.

"You like kids?" Jaiel asked, his voice soft.

"I haven't been around them much," I shrugged. "But maybe. You?"

"Not my style," he said, eyes stormy, and for a moment I debated asking more. But Alpha Blackwood was already nearing the other side of the room.

I gestured toward the older man. "We'd better catch up."

Jaiel nodded and led the way.

People everywhere were laughing, sorting food, wrapping silverware, and eating bites of the food they were preparing. It felt so homey and warm that I almost wanted to stop and join them.

What would it be like to live here? A place where you didn't have to hide who you were or worry about dangerous relics.

A loud growl of "Fae scum" was the only warning we had before a large glob of saliva came hurtling toward Jaiel's feet.

The prince jumped backward too late, shock widening his features as it slid slowly down his boot.

Everything went silent as we stared in shock.

What in the seven hells?

I searched the faces nearest us for the offender, but Alpha Blackwood was already storming back, wide shoulders stiff. Reaching out, he gripped a mountain-like man by the neck, lifting him from his seat with one hand. The bald man had a sneering smile that turned into a scowl as he met the alpha's eyes.

Alpha Blackwood's features darkened and sharpened in response, his human face shifting until it resembled a furious, snarling wolf.

I stepped back instinctively, reaching for my scimitars as the large man struggled under the alpha's grip.

But the older man squeezed tighter and leaned forward until their noses were practically touching. He snarled softly, eyes unflinching … practically daring the other man to do more.

And for a moment, it almost seemed he might as the snide man growled and held the alpha's eyes.

Alpha Blackwood let out one more snarl, and his chest rumbled menacingly. "Your pack lost, Holden," he growled. "Let. It. Go."

With a wince, the other man relented, dropping his gaze, and exposing what little of his neck the alpha's large hands weren't covering.

Alpha Blackwood nodded, then released his grip, and the smaller man dropped to the floor.

The alpha helped steady him, then brushed off his shoulders. "Oh, and tell my son to come speak with me before your pack leaves."

Holden dipped his head in assent, careful to avoid his alpha's eyes as he turned and strode away, shoulders stiff.

Letting out a long sigh, Alpha Blackwood turned to Jaiel and held out a hand. "I apologize. My son's pack is feeling bitter after his loss yesterday, and I'm afraid they —" he shot a glare over his shoulder. "Well, they tend to make trouble when they're feeling upset."

Gods. The last thing we needed was to get involved in some kind of pack dispute …

"It's nothing to worry about, though," he rushed to add, offering us a smile. "Truly. My son challenges me every year, and every year he loses. Gotta hand it to him, though — he is persistent." Shaking his head, he dipped into a small bow. "I hope you know you're welcome here, Jaiel. We body mages have no issue with the Fae."

Jaiel dipped his head, cheeks a little pink.

Alpha Blackwood gestured toward the far wall. "Unfortunately, I must get back to my work. Too many things left to do and not enough time. Faera will show you to your quarters."

The dark-haired woman dipped her head toward the older man, then motioned for us to follow. Her jaw was tight as she strode toward an undecorated stone wall.
