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"Relic hunting?"

"— fucking."

My eyes shot to his, now dancing with laughter.

"Though, with the way you're dancing, I'm guessing you take the lead there, as well," he whispered, lips curled in challenge.

My heart skipped, and that treasonous heat spread through my belly as the music twisted around us. Was he trying to fluster me?

Well, two could play that game.

"I can lead," I said, tilting my chin up and lowering my voice, "— if that's where that dance takes us."

His eyes widened, darkening slightly as he leaned in. "Are you good at it, Princess … the dancing?"

I bit my lip and leaned close enough that my breath rustled the hair at the nape of his neck. "Perhaps you need to find out for yourself …"

His pulse leaped beneath my lips, and the hand on my back tugged me tighter against his body.

My breath caught, and I looked up to meet his heavy gaze.

"Be careful, Princess … I'm not one to ignore an invitation."

I'd been teasing, but it suddenly felt quite real …

"Neither am I." My voice was a breathy rasp as the music hit a crescendo, and his words spread like a raging fire beneath my skin, igniting and unfurling all the suppressed tension from the past few months.


I let my gaze trace his sharp jaw, the hint of stubble visible beneath his skin. Down to his neck and the pulse thrumming there.

He leaned closer, his long nose brushing the top of my head, and my heart hammered.

Was this why people were so obsessed with him — that consuming look promising so much more than a good fuck — the instant heat flaring between us? Or was it the piercings that woman had mentioned?

A shrill scream tore through the room, snapping the strange tension between us, and he released his hold on my back.

Forsaken hells! Had I truly just flirted with the Fae Prince?

Jaiel was a self-absorbed asshole who was rumored to refuse kissing because it was too 'personal' — not some potential fling.

And I'd practically dared him to fuck me!

"Saints," he muttered, staring at something over my shoulder.

I followed his gaze to the two aristocrats from earlier. They stood laughing behind fans as the woman who'd been standing with them scrambled to stand up amidst a wrecked orchestra.

"It would seem your diplomacy is needed, Prince Jaiel."

He let out a long breath. "It seems it is. Although." He looked back at me. "If you'd like to continue this later —"

I bit out a short laugh. "Absolutely not. I have another —" I checked the clock, "— ninety minutes of this hell, and I'm off to get my next assignment."

"So, you're going to take the mission?" his voice was oddly quiet.

"Of course. The longer I sit here dancing and drinking champagne, the more people die. I won't be responsible for even more deaths."

His jaw tightened. "You focus too much on the past. Dwelling on what happened in Gleyma and Karemi does no good for anyone."
