Page 121 of Bonds of the Forsaken

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But when it came, something felt different …

A strange pull tugged at my korra — something that had definitely not been there in Karemi, nor in any of the nightmares that followed.

The monster attacked my wound again, and another scream was wrenched from my lips. But the pain was less than normal. It was a slight difference, but I'd re-lived this horrible dream enough to know it was different.

"Please …" I whispered through cracked lips, pleading to whatever was tugging at me. "Please …"

The pull grew stronger, as if it were trying to bring me toward something … or someone?

Closing my eyes, I reached out, desperately feeling for the source. The pain threatened to consume me, but I focused on the tug.

Was that a bond? The connection was thick and vibrant — full of life and energy.

With a panicked gasp, I reached for it, tugging with everything I had.

Immediately, the heat and pain fell away.

Oh, thank the gods!

I forced my bleary eyes to open, and found myself floating in an empty darkness, the only thing visible — that beautiful saving bond.

It continued to tug at me, and I gave in to it fully. My entire being needing whatever was at the other end.

I pulled myself along, faster and faster, until finally I could feel the source nearing. All other thoughts faded as that strong, wild korra came into view.

My eyes flew open, and I gasped — reaching out desperately for the source.

A large man with disheveled bright white hair and yellow eyes was leaning over me, his gaze burning bright — mirroring the intensity I felt.

Mine. He was mine.

My mate.

I reached out to pull him closer, but he intercepted my hand, his calloused grip engulfing it.

Gripping my chin with his other hand, he tilted it side-to-side as his eyes slid over every inch of me before finally returning to stare into my eyes with an intensity I'd never experienced before.

"Mine," he growled.

Nodding, I stared back into those yellow eyes — losing myself in their depths as heat blossomed beneath my skin, expanding from my core and through my body.

His hand slid from my chin to the back of my head, tangling his fingers in my hair.

With a sharp tug, he forced my head back until our gaze broke, and then he was at my neck, the soft flutter of his breath sending shivers down my spine.

Mine. Mine. Mine.

Was that me or him?

It didn't matter. I wanted more — needed more.

Letting out a low growl, he pressed a kiss into my neck, then another one —

Moaning, I gripped his shoulders, urging him on.

More. I needed more!

He obeyed, biting and licking wherever he kissed, fire sparking wherever he touched, coalescing with the raging inferno already inside me.
