Page 125 of Bonds of the Forsaken

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There were times to fight and times to pretend to be weaker than one was. If this man's presence could bring hundreds of people to a standstill, I had a feeling the situation might be the latter.

"Mage Korym said you had a pleasant chat today," Japhire continued, gesturing toward the black cloaked man behind him.

I looked at the other man briefly, trying to suppress that sick feeling I got whenever near him.

I would not have called our meeting "pleasant."

Relaxing my hands, I forced my smile to widen. "Absolutely. He was perfectly welcoming."

Japhire's brows rose, but he nodded.

A sliding chair screeched across the stone floor behind me. "Welcome back, son." Alpha Blackwood stepped up beside me, his voice tight and full of false warmth. "Have you decided to join us this evening?"

Japhire didn't take his eyes from me as two dozen men moved in behind him. "Not quite. While we've missed far too many of these warm occasions, we will not be partaking this year. I'm just here to speak with you and get my son. I thought he could celebrate the solstice with us for once."

Finally, he released my gaze, turning to search around the room. "Where is he?"

A familiar little boy with bright yellow eyes popped out from behind Faera. "Hello, Father."

Japhire's features softened as he dropped to a knee and gestured for Finn to come over. "I'd love it if you'd come celebrate with my pack tonight. Do you think ol' Gramps and Great-Grammy would allow that?"

The little boy looked toward Alpha Blackwood, his eyes wide.

The older man held Japhire's gaze briefly, then nodded, offering the boy a smile. "Of course, Finn. Go. Have fun with your father."

Finn grinned and dashed into his father's arms. "Before we go," he said, voice full of excitement. "Let me show you where the best food is. And maybe we can even go for the pack run together! Shaide lets me ride him now, you know!"

Mage Korym cleared his throat, and Japhire's eyes tightened.

Reaching out, he ruffled the little boy's hair. "Sorry, son. I need to talk with your gramps for a bit first. But then we'll be together. I'll see you here in an hour or so. I promise."

Finn's face fell, but he nodded.

Standing, Japhire turned to face his father. "Shall we talk?"

Alpha Blackwood gestured toward a door at the back, and the two made their way through the crowd, whispers following behind them.

The two dozen shifters from Japhire's pack scowled at everyone else and dispersed into the large room, while Finn walked over to me, shoulders slumped.

"He'll be back," I said, grabbing his hand and wrapping it tightly in my own.

He looked up at me, yellow eyes shining with unshed tears. "You don't get it. He always says that, but every time they get in a fight and father storms out, forgetting about me. Tonight won't be any different."

My heart twisted. Why were some people such selfish pricks? Did Japhire not see how much this kid cared about him?

Forsaken hells!

A loud grinding noise made me look up as Jaiel and Tye walked out of the guest wing. Jaiel met my gaze briefly, then turned away, expression pained.

Tye saw me and took a long swig from that wineskin. Were his cheeks slightly flushed?

What exactly was in that potion?

The large man looked back at me and nodded — without glaring.

Whatever it was, was potent! Hopefully, it would last awhile.

The room buzzed with activity again, and Jaiel pushed Tye toward me, whispering something in his ear. Tye's eyes flashed briefly, but he shrugged and took another swig as they approached.
