Page 132 of Bonds of the Forsaken

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Near one edge, I spied a small hatch with a simple latch and hinges. The little door was made to blend in well with the planks, making it hard to spot. But once you knew what you were looking for, it was clearly visible.

Concern biting at me, I flipped open the latch, then sat back as a small door sprang open.

Forsaken hells! I pulled off my ring for a moment and felt for anything inside.

There weren't any korras …

Slipping my ring back on, I leaned closer and peered inside, still half-expecting something to leap out at me. It was dark inside, save for a small grouping of shadows at the back.

"A light?" I asked, glancing over my shoulder. "Does anyone have a lamp or something?"

A lamp appeared beside my head.

"Just what are we looking for, Princess?"

I motioned towards the opening and Jaiel moved the light closer. It glinted on small metal scraps interwoven through the small pile of yellow straw coating the bottom.

How strange —

Reaching my hand inside, I grabbed one of the metal pieces and immediately dropped it, recoiling at the strange feeling.

That wasn't metal at all! It was soft and light — almost like a feather.

A chill ran down my spine, and my stomach flipped as I picked it up again and sat back on my heels, holding the item up to the light.

Metallic feathers … like fluffy silver. I'd only ever seen silver feathers in one other place.

Stumbling to my feet, I looked up, frantically searching the rafters for that horribly familiar shape.

Perhaps if I could find it in time, we could stop it before —

But the ceiling was too high, and there were far too many places for it to hide up there.


Closing my eyes, I slipped off my ring again and reached out into the Korra Realm. But there were too many korras around — too many bonds to see anything clearly.

I turned back to the cart, heart beating frantically. Maybe that gods-forsaken mage was messing with me — like some sort of horrible joke.


It was barely audible over the noise of the room, but the sound was unmistakable.

No, no, no! I pressed my shaking hands to my stomach.

Fuck. I might throw up.

This wasn't real. It had to just be a new version of the nightmare.

The relic couldn't be here! It wasn't possible. Frexin had promised she'd disposed of it after Karemi …

My stomach attempted to heave, and I slammed my eyes shut, trying to center myself.

Even my lungs refused to work properly, only letting in brief spurts of air.

Maybe this would be different. Everyone seemed fine so far.

Then someone cried out in pain from across the room, and my heart lurched.
