Page 136 of Bonds of the Forsaken

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The wolf snarled, but his gaze slid to the right, where Kaiya stood fending off several wolves as blood dropped from gashes in her shoulder and back.

She was amazing, but even she couldn't do this alone, and he had to know it.

Growling softly, Tye's body began to shake, then white smoke erupted from his fur, and he leaped away from me.

The cloud cleared, leaving a naked and very pissed-off-looking Tye crouching in its place.

"She's m — not yours, asshole," he growled, rising shakily to his feet. A long gash stretched from one tattooed shoulder up to his chin, but it seemed shallow enough that he'd survive.

I grinned and let out a long sigh as I pushed to my feet, legs wobbling slightly.

It worked! Thank the fucking saints.

Tye stepped to Kaiya's side, grabbed the pale gray wolf attacking her, and threw it into a mob of wolves nearby.

"Welcome back," she grunted, slamming her staff into the side of the silver wolf as it lunged for the newly returned Tye.

His gaze took in the surrounding room, and his jaw ticked. "What the fuck is going on?"

"Mage Korym somehow got his hands on the fucking Karemi Relic, that's what," Kaiya spoke through gritted teeth as we braced for another charge. "And it's going to be a massacre if we don't do something quick. Jaiel can rouse people from its thrall with his charisma, but we have to hold them off while he works."

He turned to me, eyes wide, lip lifted in a half-snarl. "You're letting her fight them all alone?"

"Come on, Wolf-Boy," I chuckled dryly as Kaiya dropped a pale brown wolf in a single swipe. "As if I could stop her? Besides, I'm out here helping, aren't I? You, though." My gaze dropped to his wound. "You don't look so good."

"I'm fine," he said, yellow eyes flashing. "I'll protect her and —"

"No. You won't." I cut in. "We need you to get the wounded and young and bring them back here so I can free them. She'll take care of herself."

Tye glared at me, eyes shifting from yellow to gold then back as he battled his wolf. Finally, he nodded.

"There," he said, determined gaze focused on something to our left. "I'll start with them."

I strained to see what he saw and hissed at the sight of a group of smaller wolves hiding under a set of tables, howling and snapping at each other, then at the adult wolves trying to get at them.

"Yell, if you need help."

Tye rolled his eyes. "Remember," he growled. "If she dies, you die." And then he was off, dodging multiple fights as he made his way to one child, then another, tucking them under his arm as he went. They snarled at each other, but he kept going.


"Alpha's next," Kaiya said, motioning to the silver wolf Tye had been fighting.

Saints! I hadn't even realized it was Alpha Blackwood —

He'd moved on to new prey, jaws snapping as he tackled a brown wolf, his larger body sending the smaller one flying. The other wolf hit the wall with a thud, then collapsed to the ground.

The silver wolf turned his attention to us and prowled closer, muscles rippling beneath his coat.

Fuck! This was going to be a bit harder than the larger and relatively slower Tye.

"Be a good boy, Blackwood," I crooned. "We're your honored guests, remember?"

Of course he just snarled more loudly.

"Saints," I snarled back. "If anyone had told me I'd be charming a pack of wolves that were trying to eat me today, I'd have told them they were fucking insane."

"Come on, Jaiel!" Kaiya yelled, glaring over her shoulder. "You need to go faster. More of them are noticing us, and Tye will be back with the pups any second."
