Page 149 of Bonds of the Forsaken

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Tye growled low in his chest as he stared down at me, his body rigid, those bright yellow eyes wild. "If you go, she'll kill you."

As if that mattered?

I wanted to scream as I stared at him — the wounds crossing his chest and face — then at Jaiel, slumped and pale against Alpha's shoulders.

I was somehow bonded to these two men … and they'd almost died because of me. Just like Eli and Aunt Grace before them.

And back in the hall — so many bodies lay motionless. Their dead eyes staring at me, exposing the truth of what I'd done.

Burning pain and sorrow drowned out everything but my goal.

I would stop Frexin — no matter what it took.

Gritting my teeth, I climbed to my feet, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"You can't do this," Tye growled again.

I tilted my head and looked up at him. "You know she won't kill me, Tye," I hissed. "I am her gods forsaken Savior of Karemi. Remember?"

Perhaps it was true … she did seem to care for me more than one would expect.

But I didn't truly care what happened to me so long as she was stopped.

The woman I'd known and respected would never have been capable of that massacre.

Who knew what else she was capable of?

Tye's fierce gaze bit into me, those yellow orbs full of fire as he searched for some answer.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and turned away, stalking toward the forest.

I exhaled, relief filling me. At least he and Jaiel would be safe —

"Take him with you." Tye's words filtered through my burning mind as I watched him gesture between Jaiel and Alpha Blackwood.

Alpha Blackwood nodded, looking down at the injured man.

Turning, Tye strode toward me, muscles bunching as his tattooed skin glistened in the night air.

"No," I snapped. "You can't go. It would be suicide for you. We know she hates you! Look what she did after the ball!"

"I'm not going for you, Witch. I need fucking answers, too." He took his position at my side with a scowl.

I gritted my teeth. I'd need to find a way to lose him before we got to Frexin. He could get his answers some other way.

I'd caused enough death tonight.

"You know the Fae here will try to join you when he wakes," Alpha Blackwood said, gesturing to Jaiel.

I bit out a harsh laugh as Jaiel's words from earlier came back to me, tearing even more holes in my chest.

"I think not. He can't even stand. And he made it very clear that he wanted nothing to do with me. All he can do now is heal and get back to his precious life."

He'd been right to push me away, though. Hadn't I done the same thing just a few hours earlier?

It hurt, but at least this way he was safe.

Alpha Blackwood's jaw tightened as he examined the sleeping man. "Perhaps, but I don't think he —"
