Page 167 of Bonds of the Forsaken

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She needed me.

Forcing down the nausea, I took stock of my injuries.

My left arm was bent strangely, and it refused to move.


And my left eye — my vision swam more on that side. Was it just the blood, or something more?

I forced my legs to move, and they reluctantly obeyed, despite the numerous cuts and bruises.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed forward to stand. But a rattle shook my chest and burst out in a rough cough — followed by more, and then more, each bringing up something wet and sticky.

Touching my hand to my lips, I lifted it to the early morning light and went numb at the sight of deep red blood coating my fingertips.

The shadow surged as fear spiked inside my chest.

Saints. I — I'm not sure I'm going to be able to help you, Princess.

Sensing my fear and an opportunity, the monster snapped, striking hard at my korra, causing me to bend over in pain.

I'd never been so near death before. Perhaps this time it would finally consume me as it had every host before.

No. I couldn't give up now!

But the darkness was already pouring out of me, spreading in all directions as it searched for the twisted — and anything living if its hunger was not quenched.

This was it … the day I'd been waiting for.

The end of my life.

No more parties, or espionage, or … Kaiya.

Her beautiful face swam in my vision.

She'd endured so many things that would have broken anyone else, and she never gave up. She was brave and strong and kind and more than anything I deserved to have in my life.

And she needed me.

Gritting my teeth, I ignored the monster raging around me, ignored the pain of my broken arm, and the bubbling agony of my chest. I pushed myself to my knees. I coughed and spat the dark red blood on the strange gray plants to my side.

"I'm coming, Kaiya," I wheezed.

Through gritted teeth, I forced myself to my feet and stumbled forward. The monster raged around me, making it difficult to see. But I could feel her ahead — she couldn't be far.

I should never have left her fucking side!

After what felt like an eternity, I stepped into the bright morning light of the clearing, and gasped.

My eyes burned and my mind spun as I took in the ropes and chains rising from the ground leading up to a massive airship above. People and mechs were being pulled up as I watched.

A blurry half-dozen figures stood in the field.

But something about this place was all wrong …

There was no color. No movement. It was as if every blade of grass, every leaf, had been turned … to stone.

"Saints," I whispered as my monster screamed at the dark magic covering this place.
