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But just as the claim that all mages were "forsaken" was a lie, I'd assumed the Guardian was, as well. Just another convenient story the Empire told to justify collars on mages and keep the people complacent.

"So, does that mean —"

"Yes," Lady Frexin said, finishing my thought before I could. "The Guardian is very real. But the stories are not. This entity doesn't protect us. It protects the inhabitants of the Isle from attacks from outsiders, even going so far as to prohibit entry to the Isle by those who lack magical affinity."

I shot a glance at Frexin, realizing the implications of what she'd said.

Hells! My stomach lurched. I was a mage in an empire that called magic forsaken and put all its users in collars and chains.

She knew what I was. But did the kings know, as well?

Chapter 8


"Oh, don't stress so much, Kaiya. I can practically feel the panic emanating from your korra." Lady Frexin laughed and rolled her eyes, as though revealing I was a mage was not something that could get me killed, or at the very least collared.

"Everyone in this room knows there are times to collar a free mage, and there are times to let them do good work for the glory of the Empire," she continued, lips curling in a smug grin. "Wouldn't you agree, Lord Dimiri?"

"Yes." He nodded, casting me a sympathetic look. "Quite so."

My heart ceased its frantic pattering, but my mind kept spinning.

Who else had she told? Was I truly safe here?

"Focus, Kaiya. We have more important issues at hand." Frexin withdrew a slim manilla folder from the stack in front of her and passed it across the table. "Here is a report summarizing most of what we know about the Guardian."

Jaiel and I reached forward, fingers brushing.

Gritting my teeth, I grabbed the file and tugged it open, ignoring his soft huff of frustration.

Creature Designation "Guardian"

Danger Level: God-tier

Type: Unknown

"Unlike normal relics, it exhibits intelligence beyond the low or non-intelligence of a standard relic. I theorize the Guardian is a creature of legend ¦¦¦¦ from the Mage Era or before. From the records, it is clear it existed before The Fall. With a little more time, I may be able to trace it back to Fae myths and ¦¦¦¦ . Wouldn't that be delightful?" - PF

Corruption/Warp: Unknown


1) Prevents non-mages from entering the island.

2) Attacks any who harm Isle-bound residents.

"We've witnessed violence between the Isle-bound, and it did not trigger a Guardian attack. ¦¦¦¦¦. It seems the Isle-bound are not subject to the same limitation that applies to us outsiders. I strongly recommend ¦¦¦¦¦." - PF.

Abilities: Undetermined

"Creature is invisible to the naked eye. ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦. Effects vary but include hallucinations, psychosis, temporary paralysis, bodily wounds, ¦¦¦¦¦, cardiac arrest, and combustion." - PF


"Given that it prevents us from injuring the residents and some creatures of the Isle, even in defense, I suggest we investigate countermeasures, beginning ¦¦¦¦" - PF

Despite several parts of the report being redacted, the situation was clear.
