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Jaiel turned to Lynn and me, though, and just smiled. "And here I'd almost forgotten how warm and welcoming my people could be."

Nearly every Fae I'd passed had smiled or nodded at me, but I'd seen nothing but hostility pointed at Jaiel, and looking around, there were at least six other Fae sailors currently glaring in his direction.

"What's their problem with him?" Lynn whispered, looking around.

"So, I'm not the only one noticing it," I whispered back. "I thought I might be going crazy. The guards out front certainly had no problem with him — though they were human." I paused as one of the sailors muttered something under his breath then stormed off.

"Perhaps his work for the Empire makes him an outcast among the Fae?" Lynn asked, voice quiet.

I nodded, a brief flash of sympathy flitting through me.

"Are you two done yet?" Jaiel interrupted, completely unperturbed by the glaring onlookers. "I've never stared at a woman for so long without her doing something to entertain me. And you two haven't kissed or done anything fun the entire walk here!"

Holy hells. I was going to murder him.

And to think, I'd actually felt sorry for him for a second! He was the most chauvinistic, narcissistic man I'd ever met, and that was saying a LOT.

"Well, if that's not going to happen, I guess I might as well get to my room," he said, walking past us toward the ship. "I'll see you in a few hours, Kaiya. Bye, Lynn." He winked and blew her a kiss as he walked by.

"You know," Lynn said softly as Jaiel neared the ship, still ignoring the half-dozen angry-looking sailors staring at him and muttering under their breath. "I was going to suggest pushing him overboard while at sea … but I think one of those sailors may beat you to it."

"Only in my dreams," I said, shaking my head. "Take care, Lynn. I'll see you in a few weeks." Giving her one last hug, I stepped back, pushing away a twinge of sadness.

"Take care of yourself, Miss Maderoth," she said, smiling. "And don't forget to have at least a little fun!"

Then she was gone, disappearing into the crowds with the guard at her side.

And I was alone. Or alone-ish. That Fae asshole was still around.

Turning around, I searched for who to check in with and froze at the sight of Jaiel still waiting at the base of the gangplank.

"I don't care who ordered it. We ain't sailing with you, Roain!" The shouted words came from a shorter, wide-shouldered man holding a clipboard and blocking Jaiel's entrance.

The stranger shook the clipboard in Jaiel's face as a menacing group of deckhands gathered, completely blocking the prince's way onto the ship.

Holy hells. What was going on?

Chapter 12


"Come now, gentlemen," Jaiel said, those wide lips of his curled into a smile as he leaned toward the man with the clipboard. "I don't want you as my crew any more than you want me as a passenger. But I have a job to do. So, let's just play nice and get through this as quickly as we can."

The shorter man shook his head, then pointed to something on his board. "The lady may board, but not you, Roain!"

That word again. It was obviously derogatory, but what did it mean?

Jogging up to the group, I made sure not to stand too close to Jaiel. This might be the solution I was hoping for, and I wouldn't even have to feel too guilty about it!

"Excuse me," I said, offering a quick curtsey. "I booked passage on this vessel. Are you the one to speak with?"

The Fae with the clipboard, likely the steward, turned toward me, and I gasped despite myself.

His eyes were a deep red with green flecks, and his teeth were little more than two rows of bone-colored needles. Even if Jaiel could use his charisma on this man, I don't think he'd want to! Then again, maybe needle-like teeth were attractive in Fae culture.

He looked me up and down, and his scowl lessened. "Maderoth? Yes, you can board. Move aside, lads, and let her through. And as for you." He pointed at Jaiel. "Get out of here before we make ya."

I couldn't suppress my smile. I'd been worried after the troubles at the gate, but perhaps today wasn't so bad after all. Lady Frexin couldn't fault me if Jaiel got left behind because of the ship's crew she'd hired. Now, could she?
