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And there I'd been … thinking he'd done something to deserve it.

"I'm sorry, Jaiel," I said, voice tight. "I —"

"Oh, come now, Princess," his jaw ticked as he stared down at me, blue eyes serious. "If I'd wanted your pity, I could have told you earlier. No." He shook his head. "I far prefer you fiery and full of insults. Besides. I'm genuinely fine. And no." He held up a hand. "Before you ask, it won't affect the mission."

Gods. I stared at him in horror.

Was that the impression I gave off — that all I cared about was the mission?

I mean, it wasn't completely wrong. But I cared about people, too …

No. I resisted the urge to clarify. This wasn't about me. And it wasn't like I cared what he thought of me.

And hadn't he said he wanted me fiery and full of insults?

Who was I to deny him?

"Well, then." I said, forcing a glare. "Let's hurry and get settled in, asshole."

He chuckled softly, then led the way further down the hall. We rounded a corner and came face to face with a narrow door with a dull metal "11" on the front.

Jaiel withdrew the key, unlocked the door, and turned the knob before stepping back and dipping into a small bow. "Ladies first."

Rolling my eyes, I pushed the door open and stepped in.

A rich scent, like honey and vanilla, wafted out, rolling over me like a welcoming breeze. Inhaling deeply, my shoulders immediately relaxed, and I let out a long sigh.

Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad.

Then I looked at our new room for the next two days and horror swept through me.

Holy hells.

An ornately decorated single bed filled the small cabin nearly corner to corner.

This was not some bunk room.

It was a fucking lovers' suite!

Chapter 13


Agod's forsaken lovers' suite?

The single bed loomed from the center of the room like some hungry beast.

I stared, the passage of time marked only by my heart beats. There wasn't even enough room for one of us to sleep on the floor!

"Go find another room." I bit the words out as I tossed my pack onto the bed, the fluffy duvet swallowing it whole before I turned back, hands on my hips.

"Slow down, Princess. It's a big bed." Jaiel motioned behind me. "Perhaps you'd feel more comfortable if we put some pillows between us?"

"Seriously?" I gestured to the monstrosity. Wait, was that a gods damned mirror above the bed?

"It was bad enough that we were sharing a room," I snapped. "But now I'm supposed to sleep next to you on that with a mirror above us?!"

Jaiel winced. "What if we pretend it's a new style or something? Mirrors on ceilings make the room feel bigger. And a bigger room means … it is perfectly appropriate for two agents to share."
