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His mouth opened, but I put up my hand. "And don't even try to spout any of that 'I'm a Rogue, so this is just my cover' shit. I haven't seen you do anything in opposition to the Empire other than be friends with … with Eli before he died."

His eyes flashed, and his nose flared. "Well, Princess, that may be true … but that important work you do is ALSO total gremlyn-shit. You're nothing but a pet for Lady Frexin, sniffing out relics for her without even pausing to consider who you're giving them to. What about the collared mages that your beloved Empire enslaves or kills?" He paused. "Have you even considered helping them instead? When was the last time you went to the mage camps? Have you seen what the collars do to them?" His lips curled into a sneer. "How in the seven hells can you justify even remotely supporting that by giving the Empire more relics to use?"

"The Empire doesn't USE the relics, you asshole," I snapped. "I kill them, or Frexin puts them in that vault! Besides, collars might not be fun, but at least those people are still alive!"

The same couldn't be said for the victims of twisted relics.

Those people would never get to take another breath, walk another step, hold another person …

No. I may not be helping those individual people, but I was ridding the world of evil tools, making it safer for people like them.

And that was enough.

It had to be.

I was doing the best I fucking could!

"Are you sure about that?" he asked, voice soft. "I know you think Frexin —"

"You know nothing!" I snapped, shoving him toward the door with all my might. I needed to get away so I could fucking think!

Except I'd forgotten how close we were, and how much larger he was than me, and how the foot of the bed was at the back of my feet …

The world slowed as I fell.

In desperation, I reached out, grabbing whatever I could to stop my fall.

My fingers gripped the cool fabric of Jaiel's shirt … and it did not stop me from falling.

I watched in horror as Jaiel's blue eyes went wide and he tipped toward me —

My breath whooshed out as we landed on the bed in a tangle of limbs — Jaiel's firm thighs pressed against my own, his heart thudding against my chest … a tangle of heated confusion.

I froze, his handsome face inches from my own, blue gaze pinning me in place as heat unfurled everywhere we touched. Igniting the anger, turning it into something much more dangerous.

I — He — We …

Chapter 14


The heat of Jaiel's body pressed against mine was like a spark, and I was the pile of kindling.

His blue eyes stared down at me, dark with hunger as they dropped to my lips.

I leaned in —

Knock. Knock. Knock.

My mind scattered and my body went icy.

What was I doing, just lying there like one of Jaiel's conquests?

Gritting my teeth, I kneed him in the groin.

"Uff," he grunted, rolling to the side. "Come on, Kaiya. You pulled me on top of YOU!"

I couldn't form words to explain. I just — I needed to get out of that tiny room — immediately.
