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She arched into me, and I growled. "Cum for me Kaiy —"

I froze. Something was very wrong.

My mind slowly registered what my body already knew — something hard and pointy was pressed against my cock.

What the fuck!

My eyes flew open to see Kaiya kneeling beside me, fully clothed and not a hair out of place.

I looked down at her hand, which held a dagger precariously close to my throbbing cock tenting the thin sheet.

A dream. It was all a fucking dream.

Her lips were curved in an innocent smile as she shuffled off the bed, stowing the dagger inside her bodice. "You were making strange noises. I feared you were having a nightmare."

"Fucking hell, Princess," I said, running a hand through my tangled hair. "You knew damn well what was happening. Couldn't you have woken me up in a less shocking way?"

Preferably one that involved our mutual pleasure.

She shrugged.

I rolled my eyes and glared at the pillow wall. Between that, the little show the night before, and the mirror above us, I'd been doomed from the start!

I'd laid there for at least an hour last night, fake snoring. Trying to ignore the way her soft scent drifted over the pillows as she stared at me in the mirror.

But my stubborn brain insisted on imagining what it would be like to watch our reflection in the mirror as she came apart riding my cock. Head thrown back, blonde curls wrapped around my fist as I held her in place.

Clearing my throat, I forced the image away and tugged a pillow from the wall to cover my throbbing cock.

"If you don't mind, Princess, I need to bathe and get ready for the day," I said, trying for a light tone. "Unless you'd care to lend a hand? There are some spots I don't want to —"

Kaiya's hazel eyes narrowed, and her cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink.

"I think not." She said, voice prim and proper. "I hope the water is nice and cool for you, though, your highness."

Then she spun around and stormed out, the door slamming behind her.

I grinned. It really was fun to rile her up.

That dream, though … it felt so real. The way those slim fingers wrapped around my cock, and the warm heat of her mouth as she pulled me in —

Saints! I adjusted myself again.

I really should have found someone to refill the damn charisma before I left. Then we wouldn't be in this predicament!

Instead I'd spent my free time dealing with Tye and worrying over how we might accidentally run into Liam — a completely illogical fear since our mission didn't even go near his village.

But the mind was a capricious thing, and mine only cared about two things — fucking my gorgeous new partner, and finding ways to explain to her why I'd spent the past two years lying to her.

Chapter 17


Slipping the last bite of the crumbling berry pastry between my lips, I smiled and stared out over the ocean. The Forsaken Isle's rocky shores could be seen in the distance. If all went well, we'd set foot on land before nightfall.

My body hummed with excitement.

I'd spent the past days reading and re-reading everything I had on the Isle, but it didn't feel like nearly enough. We knew too little about the mysterious relic in the Heartless Basin, and if things went wrong, we were on our own.
