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The voices and heat crushed me, and I could feel myself losing consciousness.


Chapter 19


Iwas done. Unless I could prove the truth of my claims, my career with the Investigation Division was over.

And it was all her fault.

Of course, no one but me saw it that way.

Lady Frexin had called me into her office with King Torsten, and they'd put me on a leave of absence. But everyone knew what that meant. It was only a matter of time until my position was put under review, and I was removed from the Empire's employ — likely with a dishonorable discharge.

My skin burned at the thought, and I ground my teeth as I stuffed the last pair of socks into my pack, then glanced at my table. The watch I'd been working on was in neat piles of gears and bobs, still disassembled. Ever since I'd met the witch, I hadn't been able to sit still long enough to think, let alone work on that little hobby.

Rage heated my body once more, and my eyes burned, but I pushed it all away. I'd learned what happened if I let my emotions get the best of me. I could never do that again.

No more emotions. Now was the time for focused action.

Closing the door, I let out a deep breath.

"Tye!" a sunny feminine voice called out from down the hallway. Lynn and I had grown up as orphans in the Palace, but when things had gone south with the witch, I'd lost her friendship as well.

The petite aide stopped in front of me, arms crossed atop her chest.

"You aren't going after her, are you?" she asked. "Please tell me you aren't!"

I glared at her. "It's none of your business, Miss Sorell."

Wrinkling her nose, she looked up at me, those violet eyes wide. "I really shouldn't have told you anything. I just —"

"Let me stop you there," I said, holding a hand up. "I was going to figure it out one way or the other. You just saved me a bit of time."

She looked about to reply, but I stepped around her, effectively cutting her off. "I have a ship to catch. Goodbye, Lynn."

"Tye! Please." She grabbed my sleeve. "This isn't good for you! Lord Dimiri said he can help. You need to just —"

I rounded on her, stepping close enough that her eyes widened, and she took a step back. Something inside me recoiled at my actions, but I pushed it aside.

"Do NOT tell me what to do." My voice hummed with a rage I'd only felt since meeting the witch, a restrained heat I was barely in control of. "Everyone thinks this isn't a good idea, but I have no other choice. I need answers, and no one here can give them to me."

She stared up at me, eyes swimming, and that nagging voice poked out again. I pushed it down harder.

"Fine," she said. "Just don't blame me when it results in you getting fired … or worse."

A growl rumbled in my chest, but I nodded, then gathered my pack and pushed past her, slamming the hall door behind me as I barreled through.

Everyone acted as though I were the one to blame, but I was the only one who saw through that Witch's little facade to the Forsaken underneath. And it was my duty to bring that truth to light.

I'd tried voicing my suspicions first — attempting to convince Lady Frexin of my experience, then Lord Dimiri, and even King Torsten. But none of them listened. They'd just brushed it off as though I were some jilted lover!

Me. The best mage tracker in the Empire … little more than a jilted lover?

Lord Dimiri had even tried to suggest I go with him to the palace doctor!

I let out a sharp laugh and stepped into the courtyard. Shrubs lined the winding path and my skin crawled as the familiar scents of the ocean assaulted me. Fuck. I shouldn't even be able to smell the docks from here, let alone be overwhelmed by it! I ground my teeth together.
