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Before I could sit up, her cool fingers pressed into my forehead, and her thin lips curved into a slight smile.

"Your fever's broken. I'm sure the boys will want to know. Mirrim!" Her yell made me jump, and she turned toward the door. "Let the boys know she's awake!"

A girl with wide, curious green eyes peeked around the corner before disappearing again, and my stomach lurched. Mirrim … wasn't that the name of Eli's sister?

I looked up at the woman standing over me, and her smile widened, a familiar dimple appearing in her right cheek.

No … it wasn't possible. Jaiel wouldn't do that to me!

Heart racing, I pushed myself further into the bed, pulling the blankets closer to my face.

There was no way I could face Eli's family after I'd gotten him killed.

I'd tried to send them letters in the months after the incident, but had never had enough courage to actually get them sent.

Cool fingers tugged on the blanket, then traced a path down the side of my face. "It'll be okay, dear. No need to worry. Things aren't as those two would have you believe."

I barely heard her words as I squeezed my eyes tighter, willing away this nightmare.

"You're awake."

My heart flew into my throat, and my eyes snapped open.

That voice …

A familiar man stepped through the door frame, and it felt as though the air was sucked from the room.

His face had leaned out over the past two years, and his black hair was now cropped close to his head. But he still looked like the same Eli who'd died in my arms.

The back of my eyes prickled, and my throat felt tight as I watched him step further in. Those familiar lips pressed in a hard, flat line. Cold green eyes met mine, and my heart stuttered.

It simply wasn't possible.

Laying back, I willed myself to wake up, pinching my arm over and over.


Perhaps the Guardian had made me go mad.

Yes. I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. I'd gone mad!

What other fucking explanation was there?

A twin, perhaps? I almost laughed aloud.

Every explanation for this situation sounded insane.

Gritting my teeth, I closed my eyes and channeled my korra, reaching out to him, desperately searching for the familiar pattern of the reckless, lying, and annoyingly happy man who had died protecting me in Gleyma.

"Princess," Jaiel said. "When the Guardian left, you wouldn't wake and were burning with a fever. I tried getting us to the rendezvous point, but there was no smoke signal, so I —"

My eyes flew open as the puzzle pieces snapped into place.

Jaiel's refusal to talk about Eli. His desire to avoid coming here. His seeming lack of hurt over the loss of his long-time friend.

Gods! He knew all along!!

And I'd thought he was worried about me all this time?
