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But he'd tell me if there was a problem. Right?

Shaking my head, I climbed onto Jax's back and winced.

My entire body ached, and my arms and back shook like noodles. "You as sore and tired as I am?" I asked, attempting a crooked smile.


He didn't even look back.

That concerned feeling in my belly grew stronger.

"What I wouldn't give for a hot bath and soft bed right now. Right?" I tried again.


"Wish I had a different kind of soreness, perhaps? The good kind, if you know what I mean," I added, cringing as the words formed on my lips. But I was getting desperate for a real Jaiel response.

"We need to hurry, Princess," he said, voice tight and guttural. "My head aches and I don't have time for your games."

What the fuck? Fear speared through my chest.

Chapter 34


With each passing minute, Jaiel's body grew more hunched, and as darkness fell, I could practically feel the creatures of the Isle closing in. But he still claimed he was "fine," it was just a nasty headache …

He seemed to struggle to navigate in the dimming light, so I took the lead, Jax trotting deftly up the overgrown path.

I'd worked alone enough to know that I could handle myself in most situations, but the decimation back in the port had shaken me. How was I going to keep myself and an ill partner alive if things took a turn for the worst?

We desperately needed to reach a safe place before that happened.

"Just another half-hour and we'll be there," I muttered, looking back over my shoulder. "Just hold on, Jaiel."

He nodded, but his body swayed unsteadily in his saddle.

I stared at the dark slope of the mountain looming ahead and ignored the twisted korras just out of sight to our left and right. So far, none of the hundreds of wraiths peppering the dark slopes around us had made a move to move closer, and I desperately wanted to keep it that way.

We'd been able to navigate around a few groups blocking the path, or too near it. But the detours off the ancient road had used up precious time and daylight until the sun set and only a dim, dusky sky lit our path.

I shot another look down the slopes behind us, unable to shake the feeling of something watching us. But just like every other time I'd looked, nothing seemed to be paying us any attention.

We crested another hill, and the hair rose on my arm as another group of wraith korras came into view … directly on the path ahead of us. First a half-dozen twisted korras, then a dozen more, then too many to count.

Fuck! A gods damned horde.

It blocked our path in every direction.

My stomach dropped as I pulled Jax to a stop and unsheathed my scimitars.

Jaiel stopped at my side and shakily withdrew his sword from the sheath on his back.

His gaze met mine, and my heart stuttered — those bright blue eyes had gone pitch-black, his face hard and emotionless.

It was exactly as I'd feared. That bastard had lied to me! He was far worse than he'd said!!

Forsaken hells. We're fucked.
