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We raced toward the ruins, and by grace or luck, we didn't run into any more creatures on the way. If I could get Jaiel situated in a safe place, perhaps I could repeat what I'd done earlier to help his charisma.

I stopped us on a small hill in front of what looked like a normal town … except at least three times taller, completely abandoned, and in an advanced state of ruin.

The map had a note about it being "Giant Ruins," but I'd thought that referred to the size of the village's ruins … not the actual size of the dwellings or the people they once housed!

There was no time to think more about it, though, as Jaiel had gone completely limp in front of me. Gritting my teeth, I led us into the dark ruins of the village, weaving between the massive stone buildings.

We needed to get as far and high as possible. At the very least, it would allow me to keep a better eye on our surroundings.

We passed structure after structure, all in various states of collapse and disrepair. Finally, we reached a home in the center of the town with all its walls intact and its giant stone door cracked open enough for the fleirals to squeeze through.

I hopped off Jax, secured Jaiel, and stepped inside.

For a moment, I removed my ring and entered the Korra Realm to scan the interior of the building. It was empty of life save for a few tiny, still korras, like grass or other plants.

Thank the gods.

Sliding my ring back on, I pulled both fleirals inside and dragged Jaiel off Jax.

He moaned a little as he hit the ground, then opened a single pitch-black eye and staggered to his feet.

"Whoa, whoa —" I dashed to his side. "Lean on me."

He slumped onto my shoulder, and I half-carried him further into the dark room. We got to a hearth as tall as a horse, illuminated by moonlight through a paneless window. I let him slump to the ground next to it.

Forsaken hells. His skin was still ice cold, but he was wet with sweat.

"Princess —" His eyes flicked open, then closed, and his head lolled to the side. I winced at how ragged his breath had gotten.

This was as safe as we were going to get.

It was now or never.

Closing my eyes, I slipped off my ring once more and reached out for his korra. It was much easier to find now that I knew what I was looking for.

The charisma and monster were still thrashing against each other, and Jaiel's korra was struggling under the relentless abuse, the essences dimming as I watched.

He was dying …

My touch earlier had helped bolster his charisma, but it was already back to its previous size as the shadow creature raged on.

A vice-like grip on my forearm snapped me out of the Korra Realm, and I opened my eyes to see Jaiel staring sightlessly ahead, eyes dark glowing pools inches from mine.

"Please, don't take her …" he whispered. Then his entire body began to shake.

"Jaiel — come on, stay with me," I pleaded, panic flooding me.

This had better work.

Swallowing, I reached across our bond and touched his charisma essence. Again, the charisma grew, expanding through the bond and into me. I ignored the strange sensation of bouncing heat popping into my chest and stayed focused on him.

Jaiel's charisma pulsed and grew, flowing into and over the monster as it lashed out against the rising tide. Slowly, ever so slowly, it enveloped the thrashing shadow until finally the beast stilled.

Jaiel's body relaxed in my arms.

Thank the gods!

I stole a glance at the bond between us and gasped. What had once been as thin as a hair was now nearly as thick as my wrist.
