Page 100 of Broken Parts Included

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“Hmm. You were drunk when you told me your favourite setting. Let’s see if it matches now.” For a second Lydia thought Halle was talking nonsense until she realised what Halle was referring to. Of course, her face immediately flushed. “Don’t worry, it won’t be your nose I’m playing with.”

“Arsehole,” Lydia laughed. “You… you really want to use it?” So much for waiting a few months to use toys. That’s what she’d told Fe last night, wasn’t it? That it took her months and months to get comfortable with a sexual partner to even consider ‘playing.’ Zoe had been the only exception to the rule so far.

“If you’re comfortable. I understand if you want to wait.”

“No, no. I’m more than comfortable, and more than ready. It’s in that drawer.” Lydia pointed with her head.

Giving Lydia a nip on the nose, Halle leaned over, reaching for the drawer. A giggle broke free the moment Lydia heard Halle switch on the vibrator mumbling, “Nice.”

“Okay, Ms. Archer,” Halle began sitting back on her haunches wiggling her eyebrows, holding the Cstar aloft. “Time to tell me which setting is your favourite, or I could try them all out!”

“You’d kill me if you tried that,” Lydia laughed. “I’ll tell you my two favourite rhythms.” Sitting up, Lydia took hold of Halle’s hand, the one which held the toy. Applying some pressure, Lydia turned it on, using Halle’s fingers. “This first one is straight to the point. If I want to get off quickly, this is the one I use.” That power was flowing again. Halle’s widening eyes sent a thrill straight down Lydia’s spine. “This one,” she continued, using Halle’s fingers to press four times, causing the vibrator to change its rhythm. “Is the one that causes me to scream the loudest.” They silently listened as the toy buzzed. Buzz, buzz, Buzzzz, buzz, buzz, Buzzzz.

“I think I want to use that one,” Halle rasped.

“Mmm, me too.” Slowly lying back down, Lydia widened her legs suggestively. Halle gulped, taking a few seconds to process what was happening.

“Would you like to leave your thong on?”

“Is that okay?”

“Of course. I can put my underwear back on if that’s better.”

“Don’t you dare,” Lydia glared playfully. “You’re to stay naked for as long as possible.”

Halle grinned. “Well, okay then.”

Seconds later, Halle’s lips travelled up Lydia’s legs, the vibrator trailing slowly behind. Lydia was on tenterhooks, her lower half already feeling like jelly. And then those gorgeous lips stopped, but the toy kept on travelling. Unconsciously, Lydia had closed her eyes in anticipation, but the lack of soft kisses was enough for her to open them up again. Halle was sitting back on her haunches again. One hand on Lydia’s bent knee, the other slowly moving the vibrator closer to its goal.

“I want to watch you.”

No one had ever purposefully watched Lydia come, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about it now. Once again, the corrosive thoughts tried with all their might to invade Lydia’s head. Fat, spotty… Stop! All Lydia had to do was look into Halle’s eyes and she saw the truth. She might never be fully comfortable with her body, but Halle wanted her, desired her, and made Lydia feel beautiful. Even if it was for just one moment in time. It was enough to stave off the negativity.

“Then watch.” Lydia was safe here with Halle. She had to trust that and run with it. The Cstar slipped under Lydia’s thong, seeking its target. There was no power on this earth that could stop Lydia from closing her eyes in pure ecstasy as Halle expertly manoeuvred the toy. Lydia’s breath caught in her throat as it sucked rhythmically on her clit. “Oh… oh, oh yes. Halle!”

Gripping the bed covers, Lydia’s back arched. She felt Halle’s grip tighten on her knee. True to her word, Lydia screamed loudly, and for a long time. The orgasm just kept on coming. Wave after wave. Christ, she was going to have abs like the bloody hulk if she continued to tense for much longer. With a raw throat and exactly zero energy to move her muscles a single second longer, Lydia’s body collapsed back to the bed.

Soft kisses on her stomach stole her attention, but she still couldn’t move enough to see Halle working her way up her torso until a head popped above Lydia’s. “That was incredible.”

“You should have been on this end of it,” Lydia mumbled, already feeling herself drifting off.

“I think we should play with that again,” Halle answered, nuzzling Lydia’s neck and wrapping around her body until Lydia was completely cocooned.

“You might need to give me a week,” Lydia chuckled, her eyes drooping.

Hell, she might need a month after that workout. Halle ignited something in Lydia that could possibly kill her from sex over exertion. Lydia made a mental note to Google if that was a possibility. She’d make preparations if needed.

Chapter 23

“Not today, Satan,” Lydia growled, turning over to beat the shit out of that infernal “vintage” otherwise known as heart attack inducing alarm clock her mother had bought as a moving in gift. It was the fucking worst!

The roll, however, was cut short as Lydia hit the other body in her bed. The one she’d momentarily forgotten was there. Instead of Halle’s eyes though, Lydia was face deep in cleavage. “I’ve never had my boobs referred to as Satan before.”

Lydia should really pull back and answer, but the smell of Halle’s skin, as previously discovered, was becoming one of Lydia’s favourite things to waft up her nostrils. Plus, Halle was warm and soft, and delicious.

Chuckling at Lydia’s silence, Halle rolled slightly to shut off the devil clock. Expecting her to sit up, or shift away, Lydia grinned maniacally when Halle shuffled back down, gently guiding Lydia’s face back to her boobs.
