Page 108 of Broken Parts Included

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Taking a sip of coffee, Cathy took a few seconds to watch Lydia. “Why do you think she hasn’t said it?”

“Easy. She doesn’t want to freak me out. But that’s the thing. Now we’ve spoken, and laid it all out there, I’m not scared in the least.”

“So maybe it’s your turn to take a risk. Show her you feel just as strongly.”

Lydia nodded. It was something she’d been thinking about ever since they became a couple. Halle would defer to Lydia, not wanting to push. But that meant Halle would hold back, and that wasn’t okay. Lydia didn’t want to be the reason Halle felt like she had to censor her feelings. Not when Lydia felt the same way.

“I’m cooking dinner tonight as a surprise. Halle’s always taking care of me, and I want her to know I’ve got her back, too. I think I can make an acceptable Spag Bol.”

“Parmesan, sweetie. If in doubt, drown it in Parmesan.”

Smiling, Lydia hugged Cathy goodbye, happy she’d taken the time to apologise. “Roger that. Okay, I’m off. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Lydia had an hour to make her way to Elise Maynard’s office. Even though it hadn’t been three months since starting her new pill, Lydia needed some reassurance. And some advice.

The conversation between her and Halle in bed, regarding marriage and kids, was constantly at the forefront of Lydia’s mind.

“Afternoon, Jean,” Lydia said, greeting Elise’s receptionist. They’d spoken several times over the past few weeks. Elise was becoming a part of their little friendship group, and Lydia happily met up for a coffee with the good doctor. Being a good doctor meant Elise didn’t have a lot of time to spare, so Lydia would visit her at the hospital with a Starbucks. Jean was always so happy and friendly Lydia began bringing her a coffee, too.

“Lydia, hello, love. I see you’ve got a two o’clock appointment. She’s running about ten minutes late.”

“No problem. How’s Diane?” Diane was Jean’s neighbour who had taken a tumble not too long ago.

“Oh, she’s fine. Already back in the garden.”

“It’s winter!”

“That’s Diane. She has to be outside doing something. She’s started collecting gnomes.”

“Oh, wow.”

“You’re telling me. It’s the stuff of bloody nightmares,” Jean chuckled. “Oh, Elise just buzzed through. You can go in.”

“Great. Thanks, Jean.”

Lydia chuckled to herself as she crossed the waiting room to Elise’s office. What would Monty think of gnomes?

“Lydia, how are you?” Elise stood, offering a hand. Even though they were friends, whenever Lydia saw her in an official capacity, Elise was the consummate professional.

“Good. I just wanted to check in. Everything’s fine, but I’m still bleeding regularly.”

“Okay. Heavy?”

“Nope. Very light‌, it’s just the amount of days.”

“Let’s double the dosage, then. Take two pills a day from tomorrow.”

“And that’s safe?”

“Absolutely. Some people need an extra dose to bring the bleeding under control.”

“Thank you. Um… there is something else I want to discuss.”



“Okay, let’s look at options.”
