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“I just have one question.” Lydia took a couple of steps forward, placing her hand on Halle’s forearm, hoping to convey calm. “Who the hell is Dr. Maynard?”

Halle blew out a big breath. “Okay, that’s another line I may have overstepped. Um… so I dated Elise for all of two weeks, but we stayed friends. She’s an excellent gynaecologist, and after I saw how upset you were in the club the other night, I sort of called her.”

“Sort of called?”

“Okay, not sort of. I definitely called her. Um, I gave her a brief rundown of your symptoms and told her your doctor was blatantly refusing to do anything…”

“Okay. And she’s agreed to take me on?”

“Not quite. I said that to piss off Dr. Useless. But I can give her a call. If she can’t see you, she might know another doctor that can.”

Lydia took a second to digest the last few minutes. She was disappointed that Halle’s announcement wasn’t quite true, but maybe there was still a chance this Dr. Maynard could help her. “Sure, give her a call.”

Halle wasted no time pulling out her phone. Lydia’s mind wandered as Halle spoke to her friend. “That’s great Elise, thanks. Yeah, see you soon.” Halle finished her sentence with a wide smile. “Success. If we can get there in the next 10 minutes, she can fit you in.”

Lunging forward, Lydia took Halle into her arms. This wonderful human had done the impossible. She’d given Lydia hope.

“Whoa, okay, so you’re not mad I took over your appointment and told a little lie?”

“Not right now. I’m just so thankful, Halle.” Letting go of the strong hold she had over the taller woman, Lydia blushed. “Sorry,” she chuckled when Halle took in a deep breath, happy to have access to air again.

“Great, now I don’t fear for my life,” Halle grinned, making Lydia blush harder. What the bloody hell was happening to her? “Shall we head over to the hospital?”

“Sure, okay. I haven’t got my records though.”

“No worries. I’m sure Elise will want to start from scratch.”

Lydia climbed back into Nora with a bit more enthusiasm, closed her eyes and prayed for Dr. Maynard to be the one who would listen at last.

Traffic was light. They made it to the hospital within 20 minutes, a minor miracle in itself. Butterflies fluttered in Lydia’s tummy as they rode the elevator up to Dr. Maynard’s office. The aesthetic of the office was much nicer than Dr. Watson’s. That was Lydia’s opinion, anyway. Comfy chairs, real plants, and a calming shade of blue greeted them. Oh, and a very sweet receptionist who looked like she wanted to bake everyone biscuits, while making the best hot chocolate in the world.

“Hello, I’m Lydia Archer to see Dr. Maynard.”

“Of course, love. Take a seat and I’ll call you when she’s ready. There’s a tea and coffee machine just round the corner. Help yourself to a digestive too.”

Lydia spied the receptionist’s name plate. “Thank you, Jean.”

“I’ll grab us a coffee. Get comfy.” Halle was already walking off before Lydia had time to comment.

Giving the only other patient in the waiting room a small smile, Lydia let her gaze wander to all the informational literature and posters stuck up around the room. Was any of it relevant to her? Would she finally get some answers? God, she hoped so.

“Ms. Archer, Dr. Maynard is ready.”

“Oh… thanks.” Halle wasn’t back from the coffee machine, but Lydia didn’t want to keep the doctor waiting. “Would you mind telling my friend I’ve gone in?”

“Of course, dear.”

Running a hand through her hair, Lydia entered Dr. Maynard’s office. Unlike Dr. Watson, Elise Maynard sat straight, her full attention on Lydia the moment she entered.

“Ms. Archer, good morning.” Elise Maynard was gorgeous. Close to 15 years older, Lydia would guess. Short platinum blonde hair in a stylish pixie cut. Friendly blue eyes and laugh lines. Even sitting down, Lydia could tell she was tall, probably as tall as Halle.

“G-good morning, Dr. Maynard. Thank you for seeing me. And please, call me Lydia.”

“Then call me Elise. I didn’t have an option, not after what Halle told me. You’ve been struggling for nearly three years; I’m led to believe?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Let’s go back to the beginning, then. Tell me what’s happening.”
