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“Hey, I love the museum, too. I can ask Halle to come along. The kids love her as much as me.”

“Mmm, not sure Halle is a good choice right now.”

“Are you still fighting?”

“We’re not fighting,” Fe huffed.

“Something’s going on between you.”

“Shouldn’t you already know? You ran after her the other night, after all.”

“Christ, are you still sour about that? Fe, she needed to talk, and you obviously weren’t in the right place to listen.”

“What did she say?”

“Nope, I’m not doing that. What you tell me is confidential, and that goes for Halle, too. If you want to know, talk to her.”

“I’ve not done anything wrong!” Fe reached for the wine bottle. Lydia intercepted it, earning a scowl.

“Getting tanked isn’t going to help.”

“It makes me feel better.”

“Not tomorrow, it won’t. You’re supposed to be coming with me to my blood test.”

“Shit, that’s tomorrow. I haven’t got anyone to look after the kids.”

“Fe, you offered!”

“I’m sorry, okay. I’ve got my own shit going on, Lydia.”

“I never said you hadn’t.”

“Sometimes I think you forget everything isn’t about you and your broken fucking uterus!”

Lydia sucked in a breath. Fe should have just punched her in the chest. It would have hurt less. Grabbing her bag, Lydia stormed out, ripping her coat from the back of the stool.

Fe’s voice trailed behind her, but Lydia didn’t hear what she said. Blood buzzed in her ears as she tried to keep her tears at bay. This is why she didn’t ask for help and support, because some fucker always found a way to throw her condition back in her face. Lydia just couldn’t believe it was Fe who’d done it.

Tears finally escaped as Lydia turned the corner, running smack into something taller than her. Christ, had she run into a phone pole? Stumbling, Lydia thrust her hand out, grabbing on to whatever it was she’d careened into.

But it wasn’t a what, but a who. “Whoa, Lyds, careful.”

Looking up through tear-clogged eyes, Lydia could just make out Halle’s face. “S-sorry.”

“Are you okay?”

Shaking her head, Lydia tried to sidestep Halle. All she wanted was to be alone. It was better that way. No doubt Halle would turn out like Fe and everyone else. Tired of Lydia and her problems.

“Lydia, stop.” Strong hands gripped her shoulders as she tried again, in vain, to leave.

“Please Halle, I just want to go home.”

“Okay, we can do that. I parked Nora just over there. I’ll drive you home.”

“No, it’s fine I—”

“I’m not taking no for an answer.”
