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Okay, maybe she was in over her head. Zoe had mad flirting skills. “All yours.” Good answer.

“Then let’s enjoy dinner. Maybe we could go to mine after?”

Swallowing thickly, Lydia nodded. She’d prepared for this. Everything was neatly groomed and waxed. A quick look at the calendar earlier told Lydia it had almost been three months since she’d had sex. Tim didn’t take kindly to only being able to fuck her twice in their entire relationship.

Lydia sighed. Out loud apparently because Zoe was giving her concerned eyebrows. “Everything okay?”

“Yes, absolutely. I just zoned out for a millisecond.”

“Nowhere nice by the looks of it.” Should Lydia tell Zoe now about her issues? It was only fair to give the woman a heads up.

“Um… okay, so this is a little awkward. It’s just that, well… um.”

“Are you married? Engaged? On the run?”

Smiling, Lydia answered. “No, no, and no. I have some issues with…” Lydia made a circular motion around her nether regions.

“You’ve got an STI?”

“Jesus, no!” Bloody hell, this was going horribly. “The reason I came in for blood tests today was to have my hormone levels checked. I’m getting tested for endometriosis soon.”

“Ah, okay. I’m sorry you’re going through that. My mum had a hell of a time when she was younger. I remember it vividly and prayed I’d never get my period.”

“Is she alright now?”

“She ended up having a hysterectomy. But she’d already had me and my brother, so she was okay with it.” Dread settled in Lydia’s stomach. Could that happen to her?

“I’m glad she’s okay now. I have exploratory surgery soon. Hopefully, that will give me some answers.”

“I take it the previous partners haven’t understood?”

“They said they did until reality set in. That’s why I wanted to be upfront with you. Um… I’d be happy to go home with you tonight, if that’s where we’re heading. I just can’t promise I’ll be able to do that often.”

Leaning over, Zoe rested her hand on Lydia’s. “I understand. Really. There’s no pressure here. I’d like to get to know you, both in and out of the bedroom.” With a sexy wink, Zoe made Lydia blush and ruin her knickers at the same time.

“I’d like that, too.”

With that conversation out of the way, Lydia relaxed. Zoe was so easy to talk to. Attentive, social, and hella gorgeous. There were people eyeing her up left, right, and centre, which irked Lydia a little until she remembered Zoe was here with her, and so far, hadn’t taken her amber eyes off of Lydia.

Choosing wisely, Lydia ate a Caesar salad. Nothing was less flattering or sexy than a food baby. Together, they polished off a bottle of wine and were suitably lubricated for the next part of their evening. Lydia giggled at the word lubricated.

“Ready to get out of here?” Zoe cooed, her lips close to Lydia’s ear, making her shudder.


The walk to Zoe’s flat was 10 minutes of hushed giggling and soft touches. Lydia couldn’t have told anyone what the flat looked like if they paid her. The moment the door opened, Zoe pulled her in, kissing her fiercely.

With her back now against the closed door, Lydia let herself go. Zoe was on a mission to get her clothes off as fast as possible, and Lydia was all for it.

“God, your tits are amazing,” Zoe commented as she stared hungrily at Lydia’s breasts. Where her bra had gone was a mystery. Zoe practically ripped every article of clothing off her and chucked them haphazardly. “I want your nipples in my mouth.”

Lydia groaned with anticipation. Not one for dirty talk, she was more than happy to let Zoe chatter away. The sensation of soft, hot lips sucking her left nipple made Lydia’s legs buckle. The slight pinch of her right nipple pulled out a few expletives. “Zoe, if you don’t slow down, I’m going to come.”

“Good.” Zoe growled and sucked harder. Slamming her head against the door, Lydia was lost to the tidal wave of pleasure that started from her chest and zinged down to her crotch. Never had she orgasmed from just nipple play! But goddamn if it wasn’t about to happen. “Shit, oh God, Zoe… I—” Lydia’s deep moan echoed through the hallway. She could feel wetness running down her thighs.

“That was fantastic.” Zoe was panting, her eyes deep pools of hunger. Dropping to her knees, she wasted no time lapping up the droplets of pleasure making their way down Lydia’s inner thigh.

“Whoa, okay.” Gripping the doorframe, Lydia held on for dear life. Zoe was insatiable and had a very gifted tongue. Every swirl, suck, and nibble continued to send shocks of pleasure through Lydia’s pussy. After one particularly feisty suck on her clit, Lydia grabbed Zoe’s head tight. “Oh, shit!”
