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“Perfect. Now that’s sorted. How about you finish that sandwich and then join me in the shower? I have to be at the surgery in a couple of hours, but until then, I’m free as a bird.”

The bacon sandwich disappeared in record time. Lydia’s jelly legs held up long enough to get to the shower, where Zoe did unspeakable things to her body. Again.

It took a good 20 minutes for them to say goodbye. Zoe was going to be late for work, and Lydia was positive Fe would start to worry soon. Sure, a quick text to her sister relaying her safety would have helped, but that meant tearing her lips away from Zoe for more than a second.

“Look who the cat dragged in. Glad you’re not dead,” Fe hollered from the kitchen.

Conscious that she was walking funny, Lydia did her best to look casual. “Sorry, I should’ve texted.”

“I’m gathering the night went well then.” Lydia could have done without her sister’s waggling eyebrows.

“It was a lovely evening.”

Fe burst out laughing. “It was a lovely evening. Come off it, you’ve got two hickeys on your neck.”

Lydia’s hands flew to the offending area. Zoe had marked her? Oh great, now she’d have to wear a turtleneck under her work polo. “Are they really bad?”

“Well, they’re visible. Don’t stress, we can cover them. So, come on. Out with it.”

“Fe, I am not discussing my sex life with you.” Lydia’s cheeks were burning again. Fe strained to look over her shoulder, clearly checking the coast was clear. Obviously, she didn’t want the kids to overhear.


Huffing out an irritated breath, Lydia skimmed over her evening. Fe looked giddy, but continued to check that there was no one close by.

“Where are the triplets?”

“Mum stopped by first thing and picked them up. She’s taking them clothes shopping.” So, if the kids weren’t here, who was Fe looking out for?

“Why do you keep looking over your shoulder? It’s weird.”

“Do I?”

“Yeah, you do. Is someone here? Please don’t tell me Clark came slithering back.”

“Of course not. Halle is upstairs taking a shower.”

“And you don’t want her listening to our conversation?” It wasn’t Lydia’s imagination. Fe and Halle had definitely been acting weird lately. The shared looks, the bickering, and now Fe on the lookout for Halle. In all the years the Archers had known Halle, Lydia couldn’t think of one instance where Fe wanted to keep a conversation secret from her best friend.

“Well… I… I wasn’t sure if you wanted her to hear your business, is all.” Yep, definitely weird.

“Ookayy. I’m not fussed. Halle has heard worse.” Chuckling to herself, Lydia set her purse down and began fixing herself a cup of strong coffee.

“Are you seeing Zoe again?”

“Yep, Saturday evening. I’ll text you this time if I stay out.”

“Lyds, you really don’t need to stay here. I’m fine, honestly.”

“Fe, I’m staying. Have you thought more about the situation with Clark?”

“You mean, if I still want to divorce his cheating arse?”


“Yes, I still want to. Mum gave me the name of a lawyer she knows. I think she had a fling with him once. I didn’t ask.”

“Eww. I can’t think of Mum with a man.” Lydia shuddered.
