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“I was wrong. So wrong. You were right, he was just shy.”

“Hang on, you need to explain this more.”

“It’s simple really,” Harrison interjected. “I’ve had a thing for Cathy since I started at the museum. I finally found the courage to ask her out, and here we are. Well, she said no the first time.”

“You know why I said no, Harrison.” Lydia sat back and watched the two converse.

“Yeah, yeah. Age gap and all that. Nothing that matters.”

“It mattered at the time,” Cathy gently scolded.

“But it doesn’t now?” Lydia asked.

“No, it doesn’t,” Cathy answered, garnering a smile from a very smitten Harrison.

“We need a girls’ night, because I need all the details,” Lydia laughed.

“Indeed. Because you owe me details about a certain nurse!”

“In that case, ladies. I’m going to excuse myself. I’ll see you later.” Harrison bent slightly to kiss Cathy on the cheek.

“Okay, I’ll call you.”

The moment Harrison was out of sight, Lydia rounded on Cathy. “You sly vixen. You’ve been getting it on with Harrison!”

Chuckling, Cathy took her time before answering. “I’m as shocked as you, Lyds. When he first asked me, I almost laughed at him. I mean, he’s Harrison. Not exactly a wordsmith most days. But he was totally sincere. I turned him down anyway because he’s nearly 20 years younger than me. I mean, how desperate must I look?” This was a new side to Cathy. Lydia knew her as a confident, outgoing, outspoken woman. But now, Cathy’s vulnerability was shining through.

“If you were a man and Harrison a woman, this wouldn’t even be an issue. Don’t let anyone’s opinion stop you from doing what you want.”

Cathy smiled. “That’s what Harrison said.”

“Smart man.”

“He is. Oh Lydia, he really is. I got him so wrong. Did you know he has a master’s degree and is working on his PhD?”

“Jesus, really?”

“Yes. When Harrison talks, it’s because he has something worth saying. I couldn’t believe it when we were on our first date. Took me completely by surprise.”

“Wow, I mean, I can imagine.”

“And he was such a gentleman. We chatted for hours, and when the date ended, he gave me a kiss on the cheek, just like he did before leaving.”

“Have you… you know!”

“Lydia Archer, since when do I kiss and tell?”

“Every time, now out with it.”

“Fine, yes, we’ve had sex. Let’s just say the shy demeanour doesn’t extend to the bedroom.” Lydia could have done without the wink, but she did ask for details.

“Harrison, the sex fiend. Nice. I’m happy for you, Cathy.”

“I’m happy for me, too. We’re taking it slow. Now, enough about me. Tell me about the lovely Nurse Bell.”

Swallowing the last of her pint, Lydia pointed to the bar. “I’m going to need another first.”

“Did she wine and dine you?”
