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“Six percent. Slow down,” Halle laughed. “Let’s eat first and then we’ll talk. Is that okay?”

“Okay, yeah… great.” And the nerves were back. Another two glugs of beer helped.

Sitting at the table, Lydia watched Halle dish up the food. She was so relaxed; it was a little annoying. Lydia was harbouring psychopathic bees in her stomach, while Halle happily played hostess.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Lydia couldn’t take it anymore. “This is weird, right?”

“Why is it weird?” Halle placed the plates on the table and took a seat.

“Because everything feels awkward.”


Having nothing else to add, Lydia shoveled a fork full of curry into her mouth. The taste was an explosion of culinary excellence. “Holy shit, that’s delicious.”

A small blush crept up Halle’s face. “Thanks. I’m glad you like it. There’s plenty for you to take home.”

Silence again. Laying her fork down, Lydia straightened her shoulder. This needed to happen now. “I need us to talk about whatever it is that needs talking about, Halle.”

Placing her own fork down, Halle took her time by wiping non-existent food from the corners of her mouth. “Why did you kiss me?”

“It just sort of happened.”

“But you wanted to.”


Halle seemed to mull over her next words. “You said you’d had a crazy 24 hours. What did you mean?”

Oh boy. Lydia was all up for a frank discussion, but could she be honest enough about where her head was at last night? “I had a date with Zoe, as you know.” Halle nodded. “Um…okay, this is awkward.”

“Just say it. I promise I’ll listen.”

“Zoe said she wouldn’t mind a threesome with you, and she made me call your name out when I had an orgasm!” Lydia delivered that as carefully as a bulldozer, but it was done. She’d said it. Halle had the same wide-eyed look on her face. “So, when I came over to yours the next night, my head was messed up. And there you were, being all perfect, cooking healthy food for me, and your face was so close.”

Halle cleared her throat. “I can’t say I expected that.”

“Me either! I broke it off with Zoe because the whole thing just freaked me out.”

“I—I honestly don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything. The last thing I want is to make you uncomfortable, which I’ve obviously done. I’m sorry.”

“When you kissed me, were you thinking of Zoe?”

“No! Jesus, no. I was thin…” Snapping her mouth shut, Lydia stared at the table.

“Hey, what were you going to say?”

Lydia shook her head. No, nope, she couldn’t say what she wanted to say out loud.

“Lydia, look at me.” The warmth of Halle’s soft hand lifting her chin sent tingles to Lydia’s spine. “Say it.”

“I wanted to kiss you because I couldn’t stop thinking about what you’d done to me in Zoe’s bedroom. I pictured you, not her, that’s why I said your name. You were there with me. When I came over last night, I lost myself again in the thought of you, with me. I couldn’t stop myself from kissing you.”

In a flash, Halle was on her feet, scooping Lydia up with her. The kiss she delivered was fierce. It took a second for Lydia to catch up, but when she did, something primal surfaced.

Reaching up, Lydia grabbed fistfuls of Halle’s hair. Her tongue diving into Halle’s mouth with force and passion. A moan escaped Halle, which spurred Lydia on further. The sounds of metal hitting the floor echoed through the kitchen, but it didn’t deter them. Together they were fire, burning hotter with every passing second.
