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“Should I be looking for a bridesmaid’s dress?”

Cathy and Harrison laughed. “Not quite. We’re good right now.” They shared a sweet smile and a kiss. Lydia’s heart melted. They were perfect together.

“So, back to your question,” Cathy piped up. “If you want a child, Lydia, that’s wonderful. Just make sure you’re doing it because that’s your dream, not because you’re scared it might not happen. You said yourself you wanted to have a little time to get yourself together. You’ve started with the house viewing tomorrow, and the haircut.”

“I know.” Sighing, Lydia picked at the beer mat in front of her. “There’s still a bunch of stuff to think about. It crossed my mind, is all.”

“I think it’s great you’re planning for the future,” Harrison commented. “We’ve got your back, whatever you decide to do.”

Who was this confident, outspoken man? “Thank you. Both of you.”

“Don’t mention it. Now, next item on the pub talk agenda. Are you going to call Sue and report Norris?”

“Do you think I should?”

Harrison nodded enthusiastically. “Yes. The man is a menace.”

Cathy agreed with a “Uh, huh.”

“I’ll think about it. Although, I’m not the only one that could call HR, you know.”

“Yeah, but you’ve rallied the troops. You’re the unofficial spokesperson now.”


* * *

“All original hardwood floors. New bathroom, kitchen and ensuite. They updated the electrics and plumbing last year.” Meredith, the realtor, was giving it her all. To be honest, the second Lydia stepped through the door, she felt at home.

“And they want a quick sale, right?” Cathy asked as she walked around the room.

“Yes. The family has moved to Australia. They need the funds from the house.”

“And is there any wiggle room on the price?” Lydia could pay the full asking price, but who did that? Haggling was part of the process.

“I can certainly negotiate a lower price, although this is a beautiful house. I wouldn’t try to go too low.”

“Fifteen off the asking price and I’ll sign here and now.”

“Let me call my clients.”

Lydia waited until Meredith was out of earshot before grabbing Cathy excitedly. “I love it.”

“Sweetie, it’s beautiful.”

“You don’t think I’m being rash?”

“Lyds, if this is what you want, go for it. Investing in property is smart. And this house is a home. You could live here for the rest of your life if you wanted.”

“Monty’s going to freak when he sees it.”

“Hell yes, he will. Have you told your mum?” The topic was getting dangerously close to one that Lydia had no time for. Reading between the lines, Cathy was really asking if there had been any mention of Fe. There hadn’t.

“I’ll tell her when I visit.”

“Okay, Lydia, we have a deal. Darren is keen to get the ball rolling, and considering you’re paying outright, I don’t think it’s going to take long to complete.”

“Oh, my God!” Lydia and Cathy jumped around in excitement, causing Meredith to laugh.
