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“And how’s that working for you?” Cathy was all smug standing on her new electric scooter, latte in hand.

“Spiffingly, as you can tell.” Wiping her hand across a very sweaty forehead, Lydia finally found the strength to stand up straight again. “I don’t think running is my thing.”

“Do you want a lift back on the hog?”

Chuckling, Lydia eyed Cathy’s new ride. “I’d love one. She’s a beauty. What’s she carrying under the hood?”

“She puts out 450 watts. Twenty kilometres an hour.”

Lydia gave an appreciative whistle. They were being absurd, but it was fun. “And what prompted the new ride?”

“Harrison bought it for me, from some French guy who knows one of his friends at university. They’re all the rage over the pond, you know.”

“Aren’t they the rage everywhere?”

“Maybe, but she’s an import. Special. I’ve called her Scarlet.” Lydia burst out laughing. Cathy gave her a mischievous grin. “She’s sexy. Sexy Scarlet.”

“And when are you riding Sexy Scarlet?” That sounded wrong.

“When are we riding Sexy Scarlet! I’m picking you up in the morning to go to work. I’ll zip us to the underground.”

“Well, aren’t I the lucky one?”

“Hell, yes you are. Now, are we ready to hit the road?”

“Lead on.” Stepping close behind Cathy, Lydia held on for dear life. After a couple of wobbles, they were on their way. Maybe she should look at getting one too? Then she wouldn’t have to put up with taking the bus everywhere.

“You should buy one.” Cathy locked up the scooter outside their favourite café. “We could form a club!”

“What, like the Hell’s Angels, but on scooters?”

“Yes!” Cathy all but shouted, pointing at Lydia excitedly. “We’d be bad bitches.”

Snorting out a laugh, Lydia pushed to go inside, where it was warm. She was bloody freezing, now her body had cooled down from the run. “Hot chocolate?” there was no need to ask. Cathy loved hot chocolate on a chilly day. So did Lydia. Her mind strayed to the first day she met Nurse Hottie. That was a delicious hot chocolate, and even though at the time she thought it was the best hot chocolate in the UK, nothing beat the one Halle made her that night she came over and watched movies. It was a no frills, sugar free packet mix, but the care Halle showed Lydia made that hot chocolate the best in the UK. A spear of loss pierced Lydia’s stubborn mind. She missed Halle’s warmth. She missed Halle.

Nodding her agreement, Cathy nipped off to snag a table.

“Who’s the new barista?” Lydia asked, setting the drinks down.

“Oh her, she’s nice, right?

“Don’t be giving me eyebrows. I’m not interested.”

“Fine, but you can look right? I mean, she’s hot.”

Peeking over her shoulder, Lydia spied the new barista. She was lovely. “Yes, she’s hot. Now, do you want to hear about my run in with Fe?”

“Way to bury the lead. We’ve been together almost an hour, and this is the first time you’re bringing it up? Shame, Lydia, shame.”

“I was trying to run earlier. I couldn’t talk and run. You saw what happened!”

“Well, next time, cut out the bloody exercise and get straight to the good stuff. Okay, tell me what happened.”

“It was a set-up. Mum wasn’t even there. Just Fe looking… well, not great to be honest.”

“Wow, okay. Was she all pissy still?”

“Nope, not at all. She explained her reaction to finding me and Halle… you know.”
