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“Want to fill in the rest of the class?” Cathy demanded. She really wasn’t on board with Lydia’s list. Convinced Lydia was going to get hurt.

“There’s a charity dog sled event in Norway. I’ve wanted to do it for a while—”

“Try 20-plus years,” Halle interjected.

“And I’ve always wanted to visit the fjords. We were talking about it, that’s all.”

“When did this happen?” Elise asked, looking amused.

“About an hour ago,” Halle smiled. “I said Lyds should go on a big adventure in Norway. Tick two of her wish list items off.”

“On your own?” Cathy’s voice was increasing in decibels every time she opened her mouth.

“Why not? I’m a big girl!”

“But—” Cathy was pale.

“She’d be fine, Cathy. With plenty of planning, there’s no reason to worry. Plus, we’d all know her itinerary, right Lyds?”

“Of course. I’d be happy to share my imaginary itinerary with you! Cath, honey, calm down. Nothing is happening in the near future. Okay?”

“You’ll tell me though, right? When do you want to do it? We need a plan!”

How had Lydia’s list become a group thing?

* * *

“Did you really have to tell them about Norway? Shit!” Lydia stumbled over nothing. Looking at the offending pavement before straightening herself out. Maybe that last pint wasn’t such a good idea.

“What’s the problem? It’s exciting, right?”

“Yeah, but I’ve not planned anything. It’s just a list right now.”

“It doesn’t have to be, Lyds.”

“You say it like it’s the simplest thing in the world,” Lydia laughed. Her head felt floaty.

“It is that easy. You want something, so just go for it. You’ve already done it with the house.”

“It’s not quite the same.” Lydia wobbled, catching Halle’s attention. A strong arm circled her waist, keeping her upright. A low burn erupted in a very delicate area. Lydia struggled all night, to be honest. This whole let’s-be-buddies trope wasn’t working. Halle had been the perfect gentlewoman. No shenanigans, just friendship. It was Lydia that had her mind in the gutter. Every time she caught a whiff of Halle’s delicious scent or gleaned a peek at her powerful arms, Lydia turned into a puddle of lust.

“Of course it is. The house is a new adventure. Sledding in Norway is an adventure. You just gotta plan it and do it.”

They were interrupted by Halle’s phone. Lydia caught the guarded mask that slid over Halle’s perfect face. Stop it!

“Hey,” Halle answered. Her eyes darted to Lydia. “No, I’m not home. Yeah, I’ll be there in half an hour or so.” Lydia did her best to not eavesdrop. “I’m walking Lydia home.” Pause. “Uh-huh. Yeah talk later.”

“Wrong number?” Lydia jokes.

Halle smiled. “Fe.”

“Oh, right? Um, are you guys okay now?”

“We’re getting there.” They walked in silence until they reached Lydia’s flat. “Fe knows where I stand regarding you,” Halle suddenly blurted.

Lydia turned. “And what does that mean?”

“That she has no say. None.”
