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“And I don’t have anywhere to go.” Calling Fe crossed her mind, but Lydia wasn’t sure she was at the stage with her sister where she could comfortably share a space.

“Stay with me?” Of course, Halle would offer. Lydia should have seen that coming from a mile away.

“You live in a one bed, like me.”

“The sofa turns into a bed. It’s only until you get the keys to your house. Plus, I’m closer to the museum, so that will help. Come on, Lyds, it’ll be fun!” Fun? More like torture. “Look, why don’t you grab some things, and we’ll go to mine? If you’re really uncomfortable, you can call Fe tomorrow, or your mum.”

Looking at the time, Lydia gave in. It was already getting late. Fe would be neck deep in getting the terrors to bed, and her mum would already be in her dressing gown watching reruns of Poirot. Cathy wasn’t an option. Lydia didn’t need to see Harrison’s nipples again.

“Fine. I’ll grab some stuff.”

Lydia was packed and ready to go in under half an hour. Halle scooped up her bags, allowing Lydia to carry Monty, who was not impressed his bedtime routine was being ruined.

“Do you want me to help you pack the rest of your things tomorrow?” Halle asked as she drove them to her place.

“Oh, um, no, that’s fine, thanks.” Lydia hadn’t told Halle she was planning to skydive in the morning. Perhaps she should reschedule?

“I don’t mind. I’ve got the weekend off.”

“I’ve actually got an appointment tomorrow morning. Uh, maybe we could sort the flat out in the afternoon?”

“Sure. Going anywhere nice?”

Fiddling with Monty’s ears, Lydia mumbled her answer, unsure why she didn’t want to tell Halle.

“I’ve got good hearing, Lyds, but not that good. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

“I’m going skydiving.”

“Why wouldn’t you want to tell me that?” Halle looked genuinely confused.

Sighing, Lydia looked out Nora’s little window. “I don’t know. Cathy has been getting me all nervous. Fe’s not much better. I was trying to calm myself tonight, you know, preparing my mind. It was going great until the power went out. Then you heard all the crap with Brian, so I’m feeling less than at one with myself. I didn’t want you piling on. I know everyone thinks I’m nuts for wanting to do this stuff, but it’s important to me.”

“I know that,” Halle responded in a small voice. “I never thought you were nuts.”

“Ugh, that was stupid. You’re the only one who actually understands. I shouldn’t have thought like that.”

“It’s cool.”

“No, it’s not. I struggle to let other people in. Even if it’s silly things like this.” Why was she regurgitating all this? Halle wasn’t here for an impromptu therapy session.

“Why do you find it so hard, if you don’t mind me asking?”

Lydia spent a second mulling it over. The answer was simple. “Because people leave. I’ve relied on friends and family for too long, and I always end up hurt.”


“Yeah. Look how Fe has been lately. I finally opened up to accept help from her and she threw it all back at me. I know I’m supposed to be getting over it, but sometimes, Halle, I feel like a bloody doormat. Then there’s Mum, who until recently never took my side. On anything, always wanting to be the peacekeeper, even though she always backed up Fe. So, I stopped going to her. Cathy is great, and has been a rock, but she’s with Harrison now, and I’m not going to keep bugging her with my stuff. Plus, I get a headache when she shouts at me for wanting to try new things that she classes as ‘fucking moronic.’”

“What about me?”

Lydia turned. Halle was watching the road but kept flicking her eyes across to Lydia. “What about you?”

“I know I messed up after… you know, but I’m here now. If you need help, Lydia, I’m there for you.”

This was becoming a habit between them. General chit-chat ending up somewhere deep and meaningful. A place Lydia knew they shouldn’t be. “Do you want to come with me tomorrow?”

The question clearly threw Halle. She looked back and forth from the road to Lydia. “Really?”
