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“You don’t have to do it, Fe,” Lydia said reassuringly. Fe regretted her drunken promise immediately but had kept her word to do it, anyway.

“Seriously Fe, there’s no pressure here,” Halle added.

“Are you two doing it?”

“Yes,” they said in unison.

“Well, I’m not backing out then.” Crossing her hand over her chest defiantly, Fe took several deep breaths. “Can I go first?”

Lydia and Halle exchanged a look. “Of course, knock your socks off, sis,” Lydia smiled. The bungee guy did his best to be open and friendly with Fe as he strapped her up. Fe was having none of it. She glared at him until he shut up and secured her harness.

“Jesus, she’s got a face like stone,” Halle muttered.

“I’ve only ever seen her with that look once before, and that was when she was giving birth. Jenny was stubborn and wouldn’t come out. The next thing you know, Fe slips into that stone face and Jenny zips out. It’s her sheer determination face, and I’m pretty sure she can do anything when she’s in that mood.”

They watched as Fe listened to the guy explaining what she needed to do. The moment he gave the okay, Fe flung herself off the edge. Lydia gasped; Halle cursed. They both leaned over and watched Fe scream in delight as the cord snapped her back inches from the water below. “Jesus,” Lydia laughed.

Fe continued to whoop and scream all the way until she was back on terra firma. “Whoa!” she screamed. “Ladies, that is insane!”

“Me next,” Halle shouted, already approaching the instructor.

“Fe, oh my God that was nuts!”

“I can’t believe I just did that.” Fe was coming down from her high and possibly going into shock.

“Of course you did it. You’re a badass.”

“Lydia, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for all of it and I know I’ve said it before.” Fe looked over her shoulder at Halle getting kitted up. “I was stupid to think you guys would ever abandon me. You would make a great couple. She adores you, sis, and you adore her. I’ve known that for a long time too. Please don’t let my silly issues stop you from going for it with her.” Lydia stood silent, shocked at her sister’s sudden outburst. “And for what it’s worth. You’re ready to be with her. I know you want to be in a better place. But sometimes we need our person with us to get to that better place. Know what I’m saying.”

Lydia nodded. If she were honest with herself, Fe wasn’t telling her anything new. Waiting until the right moment hardly ever worked out for anyone. The past few days, it had become abundantly clear that Halle made Lydia feel better in herself. To the point where Lydia had the confidence to look at herself in the mirror and be less disgusted with what she saw.

Obviously, that wasn’t the end goal. Lydia wanted to love her body completely, but sometimes that just wasn’t possible. She would always see her broken parts, but having Halle like her for exactly who she was helped more than any diet ever could.

“I know, Fe,” Lydia finally answered. “I’ve got it under control.”

Fe smiled and winked. “Course you have, Lyds.” Their attention snapped to the edge of the bridge as Halle screamed all the way down.

“You’re up, sis!” Fe called from the barrier. It was Lydia’s turn. Not just to launch herself off into oblivion and hope the cord stopped her from being squished, but to take another chance. To be the one that had the courage to ask Halle out finally.

That was the biggest adventure after all, right? The thing Lydia wanted most. To be loved by someone. Maybe it was time to stop hoping and make it happen.

“I’m ready,” Lydia called to her sister. She was so ready!

Chapter 19


“In here Lydia.”

“Why is there smoke?”

“We were cooking.” Lydia entered Fe’s kitchen. The triplets had identical aprons on, with flour covering 90 percent of their bodies. Fe had a smattering of flour on her cheek. The air was thick with smoke, which Lydia located the source of when she spotted the smouldering trays on the kitchen counter.

“Um, this isn’t cooking, sis. This is arson!”

“Funny,” Fe deadpanned. “We were trying to make muffins.”

“Chocolate ones,” Jenny coughed. “We left them in for too long and now they’re burned.”
