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You’re the best.

Instead of replying, Fe called. Hitting the accept button, Lydia buried her head back in the bed. “Hi,” she said, muffled.

“Where the hell are you?”

“On my bed. I kind of ran away from Halle when she said she’d go out with me.”

“Dear me, Lydia. You should have just passed her a note, asking her to circle yes or no. It would have been less dramatic than running away, you tit.”

“I didn’t realise I was going to ask, and then I did, and she looked at me all intense. My heart nearly fell out of my arse.”

“Such eloquence. Look, sis, the main thing is she said yes, and knowing Halle, she’s downstairs chuckling at your daft reaction.”

“She looked shell-shocked, Fe.”

“Well, yeah! She’s finally getting a shot with you. What excuse did you give before running?”

“I told her I was taking boxes to my room to unpack.”

“Not a terrible excuse. Maybe unpacking is what you need. Work off your nerves. Then you need to get your bum back downstairs and act normal.”

“That’s easier said than done, Fe. Now I’m properly allowing myself to open up to the possibility of us, I can’t stop thinking about her. In not so innocent ways.”

“La la la la la la la la la!”


“Nope, I don’t want to know about you getting feelings in your knickers for Halle. That’s the rule, remember. Call Cathy if you want to talk like that.”

“Good call! She’s much better at sex talk than you are!”

“Hey, I can talk sex. Just not with my sister, it’s wrong.”

“Whatever. Can we talk shopping?”

“I’ll pick you up Monday morning. You’ve got an afternoon shift, right?”

“Yup. I’ll see ya then. Love you.”

“Love you, too. Now stop acting weird. It’s unsettling.” Laughing, they hung up. Fe was probably right. Halle would definitely be mocking her for running. That’s okay though because Lydia had some idea how to shut Halle up.

Chapter 20

“Fuck, fuckety, fuck.” Lydia was still bleeding. Three weeks she’d put up with it, and now, on the day of her date with Halle, she was really over it!

“That’s a lot of profanity, sis,” Fe called from Lydia’s bedroom.

“Sorry. Just frustrated.”

“Still got the red devil?”

“Gross, but yes. I think I need to call Elise.”

“She did say it could take months.”

“Yeah, and that was fine before.”

“Ah, you’re getting pissy ‘coz you want a bit of bow chick-a-wow-wow.”
