Page 19 of Runaway Whirlwind

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I take my shower full blast on the coldest setting to get rid of the raging hard-on I’ve had for a concerning amount of time at this point. It’s almost impossible to resist jerking my cock when I think about Dolly calling me Daddy back at the bar, but she’s dead on her feet after her huge meal, so I rush to finish up.

I had my eyes on her lips each time she took a bite of her food and swallowed. It shouldn’t have been an erotic scene, but making sure she’s fed and satisfied has quickly become a sense of purpose for me, and I think of all the other little ways I can take care of her.

Like a Daddy should—her Daddy.

Exiting the shower room in my gray sweatpants and black sweatshirt, I find Dolly leaning against the wall in the hallway with her eyes closed. She’s changed into hot pink leggings that are molded to her shapely legs, an oversized, white, long-sleeve T-shirt, and she has her hair wrapped up in her towel on top of her head. I study her for just a minute, taking in her pretty, clean face, committing it to memory before I make my presence known.

“Hey, babygirl, let’s get back to the truck.”

She opens her eyes, and with a teasing look, she says, “Alright, babycakes, lead the way.”

Damn, what happened to Daddy?

This time, she’s the one to hold out her hand for me to take, and I lead her to the checkout counter to buy a sleeping bag and another blanket before we make our way back to the truck.

As is our routine now, I open the door for her and boost her up into the cab. I follow her in, closing the door behind me. Making sure everything is locked, I pull the black-out curtains to cover the windows but leave a little dome light on as I fold down the bed for her and unroll the new sleeping bag on the floor next to it, along with the second blanket. It’s a really tight fit back here, but it’ll have to do.

“What are you doing?”

“You can’t sleep up front,” I say, giving Dolly a pointed look, silently reminding her of last night. “And I can’t sleep up there either after driving for so long. So you’ll take the bed tonight, and I’ll sleep on the floor.”

For a second, it looks like she’s going to argue, but a yawn slips out just as she opens her mouth to speak, and she gives in. She sits on the mattress, rustles through her duffel bag, and pulls out a hair brush. While she’s distracted, I pull off my sweatshirt and settle on the sleeping bag, pulling the blanket over me.

I remember suddenly that she had fallen and scraped her knees, bleeding through her torn jeans before we left the last truck stop. Sitting up on my knees, I scoot toward her and wrap my hands around her calves, softly massaging the lean muscles I know must be sore after hiking on the highway for who knows how long.

“How are your knees? I never apologized for not catching you when you fell, and I feel like shit that you got hurt. I’m sorry.”

“Oh, um, thanks,” she says shakily as her eyes roll over my chest and stomach, and I have to battle back my insecurities about my weight being on full display. “They’re ok, I guess. I cleaned them in the shower but accidentally left the antibacterial ointment and bandages at the last stop. They’re still sore since I tripped and fell on them again on the highway.”

“Shit, I’m so sorry. I’ve got an emergency first aid kit here. Let me grab it, and I’ll doctor them up. Will you let me do that for you?” She nods, and I find the kit I have stored in one of the cabinets. “Can you roll your pants up?”

“Uh, no, they’re too tight to roll up.” She hesitates and bites her bottom lip. “I’ll have to take them off.”

“Ok,” I reply in a puff of air, anticipation building inside me at the thought of her in only a shirt and panties in my cab. When I don’t move back to give her space, she hesitates again but reaches down to lift her shirt slightly and hooks her fingers in the waistband of her leggings. “Here, let me help you,” I offer, settling my hands on either side of her hips.

She leans back, sets her hands on the mattress, and lifts her hips so I can pull the leggings down over the curve of her ass, then slide them off her legs and toss them to the side. I take a deep breath when I see the pale pink panties she’s wearing. My eyes travel down the smooth, exposed lengths of her thighs until they reach her knees and the fresh scabs covering them.

“I’m so damn sorry, babygirl.” They’re so raw, and I know they have to hurt like hell. “So fucking sorry,” I whisper as I lean down and place a gentle kiss slightly above one knee, then the other. Looking back up at her face, I see her bottom lip tremble slightly, and my heart breaks at all the pain I’ve caused her.

I set about the task of spreading the ointment from the kit lightly over her knees and covering them with the largest bandages I have. I smooth down the edges, making sure they’re adhered to her skin, and kiss them each once again.

“Better now?”

“Yeah. Thank you, pickles,” she jokes, though her teasing doesn’t hide the shakiness of her voice.

Task complete, I reluctantly back up and sit on my sleeping bag. I watch as Dolly pulls the towel from her hair and struggles to brush through her long, wet locks, practically falling asleep while sitting up. The food-coma she mentioned and an intense two days are hitting her hard.

“How about you let me help you brush your hair, yeah? I know you’re exhausted.”

“K,” she says, closing her eyes and yawning again.

I get up from the floor and sit on the bed, scooting back until I can lean against the wall. Spreading my legs a little, I hoist Dolly up and settle her between my thighs, facing away from me. Taking the brush from her, I gather her locks over her shoulders and carefully start brushing from the bottom up like I’ve seen Mama do.

“Thanks, pookie. I was about to say ‘fuck it’ and just crash.”

“Pookie? These are getting worse, you know,” I tell her, chuckling when she shrugs.

I get lost in the act of brushing her hair, moving the brush higher and higher as I work out the tangles. The scent of her strawberry shampoo overwhelms me, and I find myself leaning forward to drag more of that scent, more of her, into my lungs. I slow down, wanting to draw this experience out as long as possible, especially when she starts making cute little humming noises.
