Page 21 of Runaway Whirlwind

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Chapter 14


I wake with a start, freezing cold but also panting for breath. I was having another intense dream, one I wish I could fall back into.

I was back home in my old bedroom. I heard a noise at the window and sat up on my bed with a gasp when it slid open. Wyatt climbed in through it, a draft of cold air following him in. I shivered and looked down to see I was naked, my nipples pebbled and sensitive. I had never been naked in front of a man before, and the look on Wyatt’s face when he saw the state I was in was downright predatory.

“Have you been a good girl, Dolly?” he asked as he slid a hand between my breasts and pushed me down on my back. He slowly started stripping until he was fully nude, too, though I was disappointed I couldn’t see all of him in the dark. “I asked you a question, babygirl,” he growled when I didn’t respond.

He slowly crawled on top of me, causing the bed to dip under his substantial weight. He hooked his hands under my knees, spread my legs wide until he could see all of me, and caressed my inner thighs, so very close to touching my core.

“Have you been a good girl? Have you kept this pussy safe just for me?” He ran his eyes up from my dripping wet center, over my hips, my breasts, my lips, licking his own, and finally up to my eyes.

I had to answer him. “Yes, Daddy. I’ve kept it safe just for you.”

He closed his eyes and moaned deeply as he finally, finally, finally moved his hand to press his thumb firmly against my clit, rolling it continuously. I gasped and rocked my hips as he teased me with his fingertips, so close to dipping them inside me.

“And who does this sweet pussy belong to, babygirl?” He started pumping his fingers in and out shallowly. I couldn’t keep my hips still, trying to fuck myself on them, take them deeper.

“You, Daddy. My pussy belongs to you.”

He growled, “Good girl,” as he plunged his fingers deep inside my core.

I moaned and—

And then I woke up. Oh god, I’m so damn turned on right now, and my panties are soaked, clinging to my skin. I pull the blanket up higher to cover the parts of me that had escaped in my sleep, but it’s not thick enough to ward off the frigid temperature in the cab.

I roll over on my side and survey Wyatt sprawled out on the sleeping bag beside the bed. I want nothing more than to slide in next to him where I know I would be warm and maybe I’d even be able to drift back into my dream. But climbing into bed with him ended badly last time.

Well, it wasn’t all bad…just his reaction at the end.

It had been incredible. The most glorious and delicious pleasure I had ever felt, but then he freaked out, and everything went to hell.

It might be different this time, my inner voice goads me.

It did feel like Wyatt was flirting with me at the bar, and he couldn’t keep his hands and eyes off me with the same intense, predatory gaze as he did in my dream. He tended to my knees, placing small kisses on them like they had the power to heal me, brushed out my hair, held me as I fell asleep, and he obviously tucked me into bed.

Plus, he promised to take care of me and not leave me again.

The longer I watch his chest rise and fall in his sleep as I replay that look he gave me in my dream, the more I wish I could cuddle up next to him. Eventually, I can’t resist the urge to do just that. I steel my nerves and slip from the bed, praying I’m not making a monumental mistake. Lifting the corner of his blanket, I slide in next to him as I did yesterday, except this time, I lay on my side facing him. His snoring is soothing, a reminder that I don’t have to be alone anymore.

I gingerly drape an arm over Wyatt’s middle, resting my hand in the middle of his chest, which I now know is covered in a sexy layer of dark body hair. It took everything in me not to stare and drool like an idiot when he stripped off his sweatshirt when we were getting ready for bed.

I barely got to touch him yesterday, and I can’t resist the chance to rake my hands through his chest hair like I did in my shower fantasy. I draw my hand all over his thick torso, following the trail of hair down, down, and down further until I stop short at the top of his sweatpants. The sight of him in his gray sweatpants earlier did something to me, and a part of me had wanted to ignore the pain in my knees and drop to them, then rip his pants down—something I’d never once thought of before meeting him.

I’m still running my hands up and down his belly as I play with his hair when Wyatt’s snoring abruptly cuts off. “Dolly? What are you doing?”

Oh god, this was a mistake.

I gasp, and instant tears spring to my eyes. Any second now, he’s going to start freaking out and yell at me again, and who knows what he’ll do with me after that. What if he breaks his promise and leaves me again?

Stupid, stupid, stupid girl!

“I am so sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. Please don’t throw me out. I’ll go back to bed, and we can pretend this never happened.” I roll over on my back, ready to get to my feet, when he throws one hand around my waist, preventing me from moving away. Quick as a flash, he pulls me on top of him so that I’m straddling his hips.

“Shhh. I’m not going to throw you out. You don’t ever have to worry about that. And you don’t have to go back to bed if you don’t want to.” With one hand still on my waist, he uses his other to drag my hand back down to where I was touching his belly before he woke up. His voice is husky and wildly sexy when he says, “If you want to touch me, then touch me.”

Now that I know he wants my touch and isn’t going to freak out again, I drag my hands across his torso, not being as gentle or soft this time. I scrape my fingernail over his nipple, and he moans, keeping his eyes locked on mine. He squeezes my waist and pumps his hips up.
