Page 24 of Runaway Whirlwind

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“Yeah, well, I’d say it’s been a crazy few days, and I was happy just to get out of town. Didn’t much matter where I went. But if you’re dropping the truck off, does that mean you’re done? Is the trip over? Where do you even live?” The questions start spilling out of me faster, booming way too loud in this small space. I’m getting really worked up, realizing I have no clue what I’m going to do after we get to the warehouse.

Then, a horrible thought slams into me.

“Oh god, do you have a wife back home? I never even asked if you have a girlfriend or if you’re married. Do you have kids waiting for you to come home? Am I a homewrecker?” I am full-blown panicking, and ugh, I could just kick myself for not thinking of all this before!

“Shhh, babygirl, it’s ok. Calm down.”

“You did not just shush me and tell me to calm down, Wyatt! I bet you have like five kids waiting for you to come home and a wife who made your favorite lasagna and is standing by the door naked, waiting to suck your stupid, big dick the second you walk in, and she’s going to be so excited to see you not knowing you’re cheating on her with some runaway homewrecker!” I’m breathing so hard that I’m starting to get lightheaded, feeling sick to my stomach. “And you came inside of me twice, and I’m going to have your little homewrecking baby, and they’ll grow up to hate me, and your whole family will hate me, and I’ll have ruined their life and yours!” My vision starts to blur, and I think I’m going to pass out.


“Breathe, babygirl, breathe! If we weren’t already late, I’d pull over right now to set you straight. But I can’t, so you just gotta stop and listen to me, ok?”

Dolly drops her head between her knees and works on taking deep breaths. A few minutes later, she calms enough to sit up and slump against her seat, still looking pale.

“First of all—no, I don’t have kids, a girlfriend, or a wife. The only person I’ve got waiting for me at home—which is in Texas, by the way—is my mama, who will absolutely not be waiting to do any of the crazy shit you just came up with. Second of all—if I did have a girlfriend or wife, which I don’t, I would never cheat on her. I’ve been on the other side of that, and I know how painful it is. It wouldn’t have mattered how cute and sexy you were or how you turned those big, blue puppy-dog eyes on me. I never would have looked twice at you, and I sure as shit wouldn’t have thought twice about leaving you back at the first truck stop.”

To my relief, Dolly’s coloring looks better, and her breathing is more even. I would pull this truck over and spank her ass if absolutely necessary, but I’m really trying to make it as close to my deadline as I can.

“Third of all—and listen closely to this, because this is the most important, and it’s a promise—if you do end up getting pregnant, I’m gonna marry your crazy little ass, and our babies will not grow up to hate you. You’d be making a home, not breaking it.”

As soon as the words come out of my mouth, I know them to be true to the very core of my being. I’ve been circling around these thoughts ever since I came inside her, but this is the first time I’ve put them into a coherent sentence. We may have just met, and I may be old enough to be her father, but none of that is going to stop me from keeping my promises—from keeping her.

She’s about to spiral again. Her eyes have gone wide as saucers, but in that panicky way of hers instead of the cute, puppy-dog way.

“Babies? Did you say ‘babies’, as in more than one?”

“Oh yeah, babygirl. I meant what I said. If you end up pregnant with my baby, then I’m gonna keep your ass pregnant. How many was it again? Five kids waiting for me to come home? I like the sound of that.”

I’m full-on grinning now, trying to hold back my laughter at her shocked expression, though I should be equally as shocked by the shit that’s coming out of my mouth. If she has one of my babies, then she’s having all of my babies.

“You’re the crazy one,” she whispers, hardly blinking.

“And lastly, I’m not a fan of lasagna. But you’re more than welcome to make my favorite—pulled pork sandwiches with all the fixins—and wait naked by the door, ready to suck me off the minute I get home.”

I’m smiling so wide now that my cheeks ache, just imagining her tight ass and large tits all on display as she waits by the door on her knees, ready to rip my zipper down as soon as I step inside and swallow my cock whole.

I’d be the luckiest man alive.

“Certifiably crazy,” she whispers under her breath, then crosses her arms and stares out the window.

Chapter 16


When Wyatt tells me we’re getting close to the warehouse, my thoughts start spiraling again, wondering what I’m going to do next after all of the insane things he said. I’m snapped out of them when he curses under his breath and slows down to pull over on the shoulder of the highway.

“What’s wrong?”

“Cops are pulling me over. Probably just an inspection, but it’s going to put us further behind.” He’s clearly frustrated, and his good mood from earlier is gone as he pulls out his license and some other papers. Wyatt keeps checking the time, muttering under his breath as his fingers tap tap tap on the steering wheel with impatience the longer we wait.

I watch in the large side mirror as two officers finally exit the cruiser. A female officer approaches my side while a male officer strides slowly up to Wyatt’s window, which he rolls down partially. My pulse pounds with every step they take toward us, and I try desperately to hide just how rattled I am. I’m nervous that the news might still be running reports about me being a missing person, even though I called Dad’s station and told them otherwise.

Please, please, please, don’t ask me who I am, I silently pray as I roll down my window when the female officer raps on it with her knuckles.

I jump when I hear the male officer start with a gruff voice, “Evening, folks. Do you know why I pulled you over?”

Wyatt shakes his head, saying nothing, and hands his papers and ID through the window. The officer takes them but doesn’t spare them a glance. Instead, he’s looking straight past Wyatt at me, and I bite my lips to hide their trembling as I silently freak out.
