Page 26 of Runaway Whirlwind

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I don’t know what all Dolly said to the female officer, but whatever it was must have worked. The officer came back and convinced the power-tripping asshole to let us go, but not before he ran all my information and grilled me about the two of us.

I saw the cold look of contempt on his face as I answered all of his questions as calmly as I could, lying to him about my relationship with Dolly.

No, officer. I’m not having an inappropriate relationship with the drop-dead sexy and sweet teenager with the face of an angel.

The douchebag also let slip that he’s buddies with Dolly’s dad, who he’ll be calling as soon as we leave. It took everything in me to keep my hands clenched and glued to my sides instead of knocking his teeth out, which I easily could have done if I weren’t scared of being hauled to jail and leaving Dolly unprotected.

Dolly is crying softly when I make it back to the truck. I want so badly to pull her onto my lap and hold her as I drive, reassure her that she’s ok, that everything is going to be ok. But more than that, I want to get us the hell out of here so we can drop off the truck, then take my babygirl home where I can take care of her properly.

“Wyatt, we have to talk.” She looks like she’s in pain as she gathers her thoughts. “Um, the officer back there said her partner is going to call my dad, and—” A sob she was trying to hold back works its way out. It kills me not being able to hold her, wrap her in my arms, and lend her my strength as she dissolves into tears in the passenger seat. “She said she thinks we should go our separate ways now that my dad will have all your information. He’ll know where to find me, and Wyatt, he’s dangerous. I don’t know what he’ll do to you when he finds me.”

“Dolly, I told you I’m not leaving you again. I promised you that, and I plan on keeping my promise, even if your dad does find us.”

“But you don’t understand! I have to leave. I can’t let you get any more mixed up in this.” Composing herself and drying her tears, she informs me, “When we get to the warehouse, I’m going to find someone else to hitch with. That way, when my dad comes asking questions, he’ll leave you alone when you tell him I took off. You can forget all about me and go back to your life before I mess up any more of it than I already have.”

Over my dead fucking body.

But I don’t say that. Dolly’s not in a place right now to listen to me, not when all she can think about is how scared she is of her dad finding her. There’s a growing feeling of possessiveness toward Dolly, a fierce protectiveness over this girl who needs me to take care of her, which is exactly what I am determined to do.

I spend the rest of the drive coming up with a plan to keep her beautiful, crazy little ass with me.

Right where she belongs.

* * *

When we get to the warehouse, I lock the truck with Dolly inside while I finish up with business. I saw how she subtly gathered her things, packing her bag when she thought I wasn’t paying attention, probably planning to bolt as soon as I let her out. Dolly may think she’s doing me a favor by taking off, but I won’t let her do it.

Daddy’s not going to let you go, babygirl.

When I’m done, I sneak off to the side and pull my lifted pickup in front of the cab. She startles when I whip open her door, and she catches sight of what I’m holding.

“Wyatt, what are you doing?” She jumps out of her seat and backs up into the cab’s rear as I slowly advance on her.

“I told you I’m not leaving your ass again. I’m not letting you leave me, either, not when your dad is still a threat. So you’ve got two choices, babygirl. One—the easy way—you come with me willingly; or two—the hard way—I tie your ass up and carry you out. Choose.”

Dolly’s eyes dart around, looking for a way to get around me, and I see the second she makes her decision as she shifts her feet to the side.

“The hard way it is.” I lunge for her, easily taking her down to the floor, where I flip her onto her stomach. I kneel over her back, keeping her arms pinned between my legs while I quickly tie a bandana around her face, covering her mouth to cut off her banshee screams while she tries her hardest to scramble out from underneath me.

Shit, this shouldn’t be making my dick so hard.

“Believe me when I say I’m doing this for your own good, not because I want to hurt you. You said it yourself—I’ve already cum in you twice. I’m not letting you walk out unprotected in the world, especially when you could be pregnant with my baby since we never did get that emergency pill.”

She goes stock-still, and I’m guessing she forgot all about that in the chaos of getting pulled over and questioned by the police, and she’s just been slapped with the truth of it. I pull her hands behind her back, careful not to strain her shoulders, and I loosely wrap her wrists with the rope I had stored in the back of my pickup. I hate that it’s going to scratch up her delicate wrists, but there’s no help for it. I’ll make it up to her later.

When I stand and haul her over my shoulder, she starts fighting me again, calling me every name under the sun, though the bandana muffles it. She’s a tiny thing, but it’s still not easy grabbing her bag and climbing out of my rig with her going hog wild over my shoulder. I slam the cab door closed and wrench open the passenger door of my pickup.

I set Dolly on her feet, spin her, and plant a hand in the middle of her back, pushing on it until she’s bent over the bench seat. I spank her lightly twice on the ass to get her attention.

Leaning in close to her ear, I drop my voice and ask, “Now, are you gonna be Daddy’s good girl and quit fighting me? Or do I need to spank you again?”

She tries to hide her reaction by burying her face in the seat, but I heard her little moan and didn’t miss the fact she threw her ass back into me on the second spank. My dick was already getting stiff from tying her up, though I ignored it in favor of trying to get us out of here fast, but fuck me, my dick’s a steel pipe now.

Involuntarily, I thrust my erection against her ass once, twice, then pull back and ask her again, “You gonna be my good girl and quit fighting now? It’s been another long fucking day, and we need to get gone before we draw any unwanted attention and the cops come around again.”

That snaps her out of it, and she nods her head. I know she doesn’t want the cops nosing around in our business any more than I do. I cup her ass with one hand, massaging the spot I spanked, reach around to cup her jaw and turn her face toward me.

Dropping my head and voice again, I growl out, “Good girl,” and kiss her hard over her bandana-covered mouth. I haul her up on the seat, slamming the door after buckling her in, and climb in on my side. “Let’s go home.”
